Uitgave 2/2017
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
The Multivariate Roles of Family Instability and Interparental Conflict in Predicting Children’s Representations of Insecurity in the Family System and Early School Adjustment Problems
Jesse L. Coe, Patrick T. Davies, Melissa L. Sturge-Apple
- Open Access
Maternal Mind-Mindedness Provides a Buffer for Pre-Adolescents at Risk for Disruptive Behavior
Claire Hughes, Amanda Aldercotte, Sarah Foley
- Open Access
Prenatal Reflective Functioning and Development of Aggression in Infancy: the Roles of Maternal Intrusiveness and Sensitivity
H. J. A Smaling, S. C. J. Huijbregts, K. B. van der Heijden, D. F. Hay, S. H. M. van Goozen, H. Swaab
Maternal Prenatal Psychological Distress and Preschool Cognitive Functioning: the Protective Role of Positive Parental Engagement
Julia C. Schechter, Patricia A. Brennan, Alicia K. Smith, Zachary N. Stowe, D. Jeffrey Newport, Katrina C. Johnson
- Open Access
Neurocognitive Predictors of ADHD Outcome: a 6-Year Follow-up Study
Marloes van Lieshout, Marjolein Luman, Jos W. R. Twisk, Stephen V. Faraone, Dirk J. Heslenfeld, Catharina A. Hartman, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Barbara Franke, Jan K. Buitelaar, Nanda N. J. Rommelse, Jaap Oosterlaan
Reading Comprehension in Boys with ADHD: The Mediating Roles of Working Memory and Orthographic Conversion
Lauren M. Friedman, Mark D. Rapport, Joseph S. Raiker, Sarah A. Orban, Samuel J. Eckrich
The Nature of Social Positive Illusory Bias: Reflection of Social Impairment, Self-Protective Motivation, or Poor Executive Functioning?
Julia D. McQuade, Saaid A. Mendoza, Kristy L. Larsen, Rosanna P. Breaux
How Persistent is ADHD into Adulthood? Informant Report and Diagnostic Thresholds in a Female Sample
B. Tate Guelzow, Fred Loya, Stephen P. Hinshaw
Sex Differences in the Prevalence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder During Middle Childhood: a Meta-Analysis
David H. Demmer, Merrilyn Hooley, Jade Sheen, Jane A. McGillivray, Jarrad A. G. Lum
Child Personality Accounts for Oppositional Defiant Disorder Comorbidity Patterns
Kathrin Herzhoff, Avanté J. Smack, Kathleen W. Reardon, Michelle M. Martel, Jennifer L. Tackett
Behavioral Profiles Associated with Objective Sleep Duration in Young Children with Insomnia Symptoms
Susan L. Calhoun, Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Susan D. Mayes, Duanping Liao, Edward O. Bixler
Psychometric Properties and Normative Data for the Preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Two-Year-Old Children
Stephanie D’Souza, Karen E Waldie, Elizabeth R. Peterson, Lisa Underwood, Susan M. B. Morton
Using the BASC-2 Parent Rating Scales to Screen for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Toddlers and Preschool-Aged Children
Lauren E. Bradstreet, Julia I. Juechter, Randy W. Kamphaus, Connor M. Kerns, Diana L. Robins
Linking Social Anxiety with Social Competence in Early Adolescence: Physiological and Coping Moderators
Alexander K. Kaeppler, Stephen A. Erath
Neural Reactivity to Angry Faces Predicts Treatment Response in Pediatric Anxiety
Nora Bunford, Autumn Kujawa, Kate D. Fitzgerald, James E. Swain, Gregory L. Hanna, Elizabeth Koschmann, David Simpson, Sucheta Connolly, Christopher S. Monk, K. Luan Phan