Uitgave 4/2020
Inhoudsopgave (9 Artikelen)
Parenting as a Mediator of Associations between Depression in Mothers and Children’s Functioning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Sherryl H. Goodman, Hannah F. M. Simon, Amanda L. Shamblaw, Christine Youngwon Kim
Correction to: Parenting as a Mediator of Associations between Depression in Mothers and Children’s Functioning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Correction
Sherryl H. Goodman, Hannah F. M. Simon, Amanda L. Shamblaw, Christine Youngwon Kim
The PAX Good Behavior Game: One Model for Evolving a More Nurturing Society
- Open Access
Magnus Johansson, Anthony Biglan, Dennis Embry
A Systematic Review of Parental Involvement in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adolescent Anxiety Disorders
- Open Access
Jessica Louise Cardy, Polly Waite, Francesca Cocks, Cathy Creswell
The Efficacy of Internet-Based Parenting Programs for Children and Adolescents with Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
Ionuț Stelian Florean, Anca Dobrean, Costina Ruxandra Păsărelu, Raluca Diana Georgescu, Ion Milea
A Meta-analysis Comparing Male Adolescents Who Have Sexually Offended Against Intrafamilial Versus Extrafamilial Victims
Frederica M. Martijn, Elisabeth J. Leroux, Kelly M. Babchishin, Michael C. Seto
How to Improve Behavioral Parent and Teacher Training for Children with ADHD: Integrating Empirical Research on Learning and Motivation into Treatment
- Open Access
Saskia van der Oord, Gail Tripp
Components of School-Based Interventions Stimulating Students’ Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Domains: A Meta-analysis
- Open Access
Esther Mertens, Maja Deković, Patty Leijten, Monique Van Londen, Ellen Reitz