Uitgave 2/2014
Inhoudsopgave (5 Artikelen)
Focusing on the Positive: A Review of the Role of Child Positive Affect in Developmental Psychopathology
Molly Davis, Cynthia Suveg
Antisocial Behavior, Psychopathic Features and Abnormalities in Reward and Punishment Processing in Youth
Amy L. Byrd, Rolf Loeber, Dustin A. Pardini
Developmentally Adapted Cognitive Processing Therapy for Adolescents Suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after Childhood Sexual or Physical Abuse: A Pilot Study
Simone Matulis, Patricia A. Resick, Rita Rosner, Regina Steil
Developmentally Sensitive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent School Refusal: Rationale and Case Illustration
David Heyne, Floor M. Sauter, Thomas H. Ollendick, Brigit M. Van Widenfelt, P. Michiel Westenberg