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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 30, 2015

Mild cognitive impairment affects motor control and skill learning

  • Qiaofeng Wu , John S.Y. Chan and Jin H. Yan EMAIL logo


Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional phase between normal cognitive aging and dementia. As the world population is aging rapidly, more MCI patients will be identified, posing significant problems to society. Normal aging is associated with cognitive and motor decline, and MCI brings additional impairments. Compared to healthy older adults, MCI patients show poorer motor control in a variety of tasks. Efficient motor control and skill learning are essential for occupational and leisure purposes; degradation of motor behaviors in MCI patients often adversely affects their health and quality of life. In this article, we first define MCI and describe its pathology and neural correlates. After this, we review cognitive changes and motor control and skill learning in normal aging. This section is followed by a discussion of MCI-related degradation of motor behaviors. Finally, we propose that multicomponent interventions targeting both cognitive and motor domains can improve MCI patients’ motor functions. Future research directions are also raised.

Corresponding author: Jin H. Yan, Center for Brain Disorders and Cognitive Neuroscience, Shenzhen University, 3688 Nan Hai Ave., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060, P.R. China, e-mail:
aCo-first authors.


This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of SZU (to J.H. Yan) and in part by a grant from the Neuro-Academics Hong Kong (to J.S.Y. Chan). There were no conflicts of interest. The authors thank the reviewers for their comments and suggestions.


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Received: 2015-5-16
Accepted: 2015-8-3
Published Online: 2015-9-30
Published in Print: 2016-2-1

©2016 by De Gruyter

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