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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 3, 2012

Student Satisfaction and Self Report of CPR Competency: HeartCode BLS Courses, Instructor-Led CPR Courses, and Monthly Voice Advisory Manikin Practice for CPR Skill Maintenance

  • Cecily Montgomery , Suzan E. Kardong-Edgren , Marilyn H. Oermann and Tamara Odom-Maryon

This study evaluated the effects of brief monthly refresher training on CPR skill retention, confidence, and satisfaction with CPR skill level of 606 nursing students from ten different US schools. Students were randomized to course type, HeartCode™ Basic Life Support (BLS) or an instructor-led (IL) course, and then randomized to a practice group, six minutes of monthly practice or no further practice. End-of-study survey results were compiled and reported as percentages. Short answer data were grouped by category for reporting. Fewer HeartCode™ BLS students were satisfied with their CPR training compared to the IL students. Students who practiced CPR monthly were more confident than students who did not practice. Monthly practice improved CPR confidence, but initial course type did not. Students were most satisfied when they participated in the IL courses and frequent practice of CPR skills.

Published Online: 2012-6-3

©2012 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/Boston

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