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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton August 1, 2014

From cognitive-functional linguistics to dialogic syntax

  • John W. Du Bois EMAIL logo and Rachel Giora
From the journal Cognitive Linguistics


Dialogic syntax investigates the linguistic, cognitive, and interactional processes involved when language users reproduce selected aspects of a prior utterance, and when recipients respond to the parallelisms and resonances that result, drawing inferences for situated meaning. The phenomenon typically arises when a language user constructs an utterance modeled in part on the utterance of a prior speaker or author. The result is resonance, defined as the catalytic activation of affinities across utterances. This paper presents the concept of dialogic syntax and outlines some directions of current research on dialogic resonance, as represented in this Special Issue.

Received: 2014-1-1
Revised: 2014-5-19
Accepted: 2014-5-20
Published Online: 2014-8-1
Published in Print: 2014-8-1

©2014 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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