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Research Article

Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study

[version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
Previously titled: Using Akaike’s information theoretic criterion in population analysis: a simulation study
PUBLISHED 28 May 2014
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Akaike's information theoretic criterion for model discrimination (AIC) is often stated to "overfit", i.e., it selects models with a higher dimension than the dimension of the model that generated the data. However, with experimental pharmacokinetic data it may not be possible to identify the correct model, because of the complexity of the processes governing drug disposition. Instead of trying to find the correct model, a more useful objective might be to minimize the prediction error of drug concentrations in subjects with unknown disposition characteristics. In that case, the AIC might be the selection criterion of choice.
We performed Monte Carlo simulations using a model of pharmacokinetic data (a power function of time) with the property that fits with common multi-exponential models can never be perfect - thus resembling the situation with real data. Prespecified models were fitted to simulated data sets, and AIC and AICc (the criterion with a correction for small sample sizes) values were calculated and averaged. The average predictive performances of the models, quantified using simulated validation sets, were compared to the means of the AICs. The data for fits and validation consisted of 11 concentration measurements each obtained in 5 individuals, with three degrees of interindividual variability in the pharmacokinetic volume of distribution.
Mean AICc corresponded very well, and better than mean AIC, with mean predictive performance. With increasing interindividual variability, there was a trend towards larger optimal models, but with respect to both lowest AICc and best predictive performance. Furthermore, it was observed that the mean square prediction error itself became less suitable as a validation criterion, and that a predictive performance measure should incorporate interindividual variability.
This simulation study showed that, at least in a relatively simple mixed effects modelling context with a set of prespecified models, minimal mean AICc corresponded to best predictive performance even in the presence of relatively large interindividual variability.


population model, pharmacokinetics, Akaike, information theoretic criterion

Revised Amendments from Version 1

We have narrowed down the implied scope by changing the title and the abstract. The abstract was rewritten to provide a clearer summary of what the study entailed. In the first version there was a brief discussion on the BIC. If AIC minimizes prediction error by using a factor of two (times the number of parameters), any other factor related to using BIC will increase prediction error - we have added a few more comments on this. We agree with the reviewers that care should be taken with respect to multiplicity and model uncertainty and we now devote figure panels and a new section on that subject. Minimum mean AIC is related to minimum mean prediction error, where the mean is taken across multiple studies and prespecified models; this should be borne in mind when analyzing a data set from just one study.


See the authors' detailed response to the review by Paul Eilers
See the authors' detailed response to the review by Julie Bertrand


We first define population data as a set of one or more measurements in two or more individuals (e.g., patients, volunteers, or animals). Such data may be characterized by mixed-effects models, where the mixed effects consist of fixed and random effects. Fixed effects are, for example, the times at which the measurements are obtained, and covariates such as demographic characteristics of the individuals. When mixed-effects models are fitted to population data, the question arises as to how many of those effects should be incorporated in the model. This is the so-called problem of variable selection1.

One strategy is to observe the change in goodness-of-fit by adding one more parameter and testing the significance of that change2. In the maximum likelihood approach, the objective function value (OFV), being the minus two logarithm of the likelihood function, is minimized. To attain a p-value of e.g., 0.05 or less, the decrease in OFV, when adding one parameter, should be 3.84 or more2.

Another strategy is to apply Akaike’s information theoretic criterion (AIC), which can be written as


where D is the number of parameters in the model14. The model with the lowest value of AIC is considered the best one. In the case of just adding one parameter, the OFV needs to decrease only 2 points or more to be incorporated in the model, so the associated p-value > 0.05 seems too high to justify this strategy.

When additional model parameters are incorporated, the significance of one model parameter might change, but the interpretation of AIC does not4. However, when multiple significance tests are performed, the significance level of each individual test should be corrected to a lower value, so a decrease of 2 points for one parameter does again seem to be too low.

Even if the strategy of using AIC leads to optimal variable selection, the question arises as to whether this is also the case when using mixed-effects models. In theory, the model that is best according to AIC is the one that minimizes prediction error3,5; and this is also true for a mixed effects model when predicting data for individuals for which no data have been obtained so far5.

In the literature, many simulation studies have assessed the performance of AIC, but to our knowledge these were never done in selecting the model with minimal prediction error for population data. In this article, we will define a toy pharmacokinetic model and observe the performance of AIC when adding fixed effects to this model, as well as when adding interindividual variability.


A hypothetical pharmacokinetic model

Consider the following function y(t), an infinite sum of exponentials, and its relationship with a (negative) power of time6:


Figure 1A shows that this function looks like a typical pharmacokinetic profile after bolus administration. This model is to be regarded as a toy model, because we do not expect it to adequately describe pharmacokinetic data, although variations of power functions of time have been shown to fit pharmacokinetic data well6. We approximate y(t) = 1/t by the following sum of M exponentials with K nonzero coefficients α:


Figure 1.

A: function y(t) = 1/t, and B: approximations obtained by fitting six and three exponentials to the depicted eleven samples. Note the log-lin and log-log scales for panels A and B, respectively. Time has arbitrary units.


The M parameters λ are fixed and set as described in the next subsections. This approximation has the property that with while the fit improves with increasing K, we would need no less than K = M exponentials to obtain a perfect fit (with M time instants tj). Moreover, with noisy data, it might be that for K < M an optimal fit is obtained in the sense that then the associated prediction error of the model is minimal. Figure 1B shows how eleven (in this case error-free) samples from this function can be approximated by sums of exponentials.

Individual data modeling and simulation

In the following, the time instants tj, j = 1, · · · , M, centered around 1, were chosen within [1/tmax, tmax] according to


with γ = log(tmax)/log(M); tmax was set to 100 (see the time axis of Figure 1B for an example with M = 11). Simulated data with constant proportional error were generated via


where ϵj denotes Gaussian measurement noise with variance σ2. The M time constants λ were fixed according to λm = 1/tm, m = 1, · · · , M. In this setting the model equation (3) can be fitted to simulated data using weighted linear least squares regression, with weight factors w(tj) = 1/tj (note that no precaution is needed against ϵ ≤ –1). Linear least squares regression is very fast and robust, so it allows for the evaluation of many simulation scenarios.

Population data modeling and simulation

Population data consisting of N individuals were simulated via


where ηi denotes interindividual variability with variance ω2. The nonlinear mixed effects model for the population data was then written as:


Note that with N > 1, a perfect fit is no longer obtained with K = M nonzero coefficients α, because the ϵij are generally different for different i (individuals).

Statistical analysis

Simulation data were generated via equation (6), with random generators in R7. Model fitting was also done in R, with function “lm()” from package “stats”, except for nonlinear mixed-effects model fitting for simulated data with ω2 > 0, which was done in NONMEM version 7.3.08. Parameters α (see equation (7)) were not constrained to be positive, so that it was not possible for parameters to become essentially fixed to zero, reducing the dimensionality of the model. Prediction error (ν2) was calculated with


using predictions based on equation (7) with the random effects ηi = 0, and validation data zi(tj) also generated via equation (6), but with different realizations of ϵij and ηi. Error terms weighted with w(tj) = 1/tj are homoscedastic, which is an assumption underlying regression analysis and allows for the interpretation of ν2 as independent of time. The objective function OFV was also calculated at the estimated parameters using the validation data, denoted OFVv, which should on average be approximately equal to Akaike’s criterion (see Supplementary material). OFVv was compared with AIC and also with Akaike’s criterion with a correction for small sample sizes (AICc)4:


The above criteria were normalized by dividing them by the number of observations, and averaged over 1000 runs (unless otherwise stated; and runs where NONMEM’s minimization was not successful were excluded). For plotting purposes, 95% confidence intervals or confidence regions for means were determined using R’s packages “gplots” and “car”, under the assumption that averages over 1000 variables are normally distributed. Model selection frequencies were calculated based on optimal models according to AICc as determined for each simulation data set.

Selection of parameter values

Simulation parameters M and σ2 are expected to determine the number of exponentials K; if the number of measurements M increases and/or the measurement error σ2 decreases, K will increase. Without interindividual variance, so ω2 = 0, the information in the data increases as N increases, so also in that case K is expected to increase. With N = 2, M = 11 and σ2 = 0.5, pilot simulations indicated a K ≈ 4. When ω2 > 0, prediction error will increase, but it is less easy to predict what its effect will be on K. For ω2 values of 0, 0.1, and 0.5 were selected - values that are encountered in practice. Because there is only one random effect in the mixed effects model, the relatively low number of individuals N = 5 was selected.

For a certain choice of M, there are 2M 1 possible combinations of λs to choose for the terms exp(−λmtj) in the sum of exponentials (excluding the case of a model without exponentials). Because accurate evaluation of all models at different parameter values is not feasible with respect to computer time, the set of possible combinations was reduced to one with evenly spaced λs. Table 1 gives an example for the case M = 11.

Table 1.

Selecting K = 1, · · · , M = 11 evenly spaced rate constants from λ: 0 and 1 denote αm to be fixed to zero, and a free parameter to be estimated, respectively (see equation (7)).

Km : 1234567891011


Figure 2 shows the averaged prediction error versus number of exponentials for all possible choices of λ, with N = 2, M = 11, σ2 = 0.5, and ω2 = 0. From the figure it is clear that prediction error may indeed increase if the number of exponentials selected is too large. The bigger solid circles correspond to the models chosen in Table 1; in general the evenly spaced selection of exponents resulted in models with smallest prediction error.


Figure 2.

Mean squared prediction error ν2 (equation (8)) as a function of the number of exponentials, with 2047 models, averaged over 100 runs, N = 2, M = 11, σ2 = 0.5, ω2 = 0. The dashed line represents the prediction error from the true model, so that ν2 = σ2. The bigger solid circles correspond to the models chosen in Table 1.

Figure 3 shows simulation results using the model set defined in Table 1, starting from K = 4, with parameters N = 5, M = 11, σ2 = 0.5, and ω2 = 0. The model with K = 6 exponentials had minimal mean AICc, and also minimal mean OFVv and minimal prediction error ν2. With N = 5, M = 11, there are still visible differences between AICc and AIC; although AIC would in this case also select the optimal model, AIC appears to favor more complex models. Note that the sizes of the confidence intervals and confidence regions can be made arbitrarily small by choosing the number of runs to be higher than the selected number of 1000 (at the expense of computer time).


Figure 3.

Mean OFVv as a function minus of two log likelihood (-2LL), the number of exponentials, AIC and AICc (top four panels), and AIC, AICc, prediction error ν2, and model selection frequencies as a function of the number of exponentials (lower four panels), averaged over 1000 runs, N = 5, M = 11, σ2 = 0.5, ω2 = 0. The dashed lines represent the theoretical values for an infinite amount of data (see Supplementary material). Error bars and ellipses denote 95% confidence intervals and confidence regions, respectively. The solid lines in the middle upper panels are lines of identity.

Figure 4 shows simulation results with ω2 = 0.1; mixed-effects analysis was used to fit the population data. The main difference with the results of data with ω2 = 0 is the overall increase in OFVv and AICc. The optimal number of exponentials remained K = 6.


Figure 4.

Mean OFVv, AICc, prediction error ν2, and model selection frequencies as a function of the number of exponentials, for ω2 = 0.1; parameters otherwise identical.

Figure 5 shows simulation results with ω2 set at the higher value of 0.5. The main differences with the results of data with ω2 = 0.1 are again the overall increase in OFVv, AICc and prediction error, and also in the variability in the prediction error. The optimal number of exponentials remained K = 6, although AICc begins to favor the models with larger K (a simulation with N increased to 7, both OFVv and AICc favored larger models; data not shown).


Figure 5.

Mean OFVv, AICc, prediction error ν2, and model selection frequencies as a function of the number of exponentials, for ω2 = 0.5; parameters otherwise identical.


With the objective of creating a simulation context resembling pharmacokinetic analysis where concentration data are approximated by a sum of exponentials, the toy model y(t) = 1/t was chosen. In this setting, reality - the reality of the toy model - is always underfitted. When mixed effects models were fitted to simulated data, mean AICc was approximately equal to the validation criterion mean OFVv, and their minima coincided. With large interindividual variability, mean expected prediction error (ν2, see equation (8), with random effects fixed to zero), was less discriminative between models, so that it becomes less suitable as a validation criterion; it does not take into account whether estimated interindividual variability matches the variability in the validation data.

Akaike’s versus the conditional Akaike information criterion

Vaida and Blanchard proposed a conditional Akaike information criterion to be used in model selection for the “cluster focus”5. It is important to stress that their definition of cluster focus is the situation where data are to be predicted of a cluster that was also used to build the predictive model. In that case, the random effects have been estimated, and then the question arises how many parameters that required. In our situation, a cluster is the data from an individual; AIC was used in the situation of predicting population data consisting of individual data that were not used to build the model. This would seem to be the most common situation in clinical practice. Furthermore, AIC for the population focus is asymptotically equivalent with leave-one-individual-out cross-validation; AIC for the individual focus with leave-one-observation-out cross-validation9.

Akaike’s versus the Bayesian information criterion

We chose to perform simulations using the model given by equation (2) because approximating data with a sum of exponentials is daily practice in pharmacokinetic analysis where data are obtained from “infinitely complex” systems, and we cannot hope to find the “correct” model. The Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is consistent in the sense that it selects the correct model, given an infinite amount of data4. The reason that AIC can be used in “real-life” problems is that as the amount of data goes to infinity, the complexity, or dimension, of the model that should be applied should also go infinity10. Burnham and Anderson show that it is possible to choose the prior for BIC in such a way that it incorporates the knowledge that more complex models should be favored if the amount of data increases, and so that the BIC “reduces” to AIC4,10. In the situation that the correct model set belongs to the set of evaluated models, a selection criterion that both finds the correct model and minimizes prediction error would be preferable - but Yang concluded that this may not be possible11. As the correct model is most likely not included in the set chosen by the modeler, using AIC - or optimizing predictive performance - seems preferable. The expression of the BIC contains a factor log(N') instead of 2 with AIC, where N' is the effective sample size. N' depends on the association between parameters and random effects12, and is for our model definition of the order N' = (D − 2) · N · M + 2 · N. This indicates that if N' ≉ 7.4, a model with minimum BIC has worse predictive properties than a model with minimum AIC.

Model selection criterion AIC and predictive performance

Intuitively, predicting data for an individual that cannot be “individualized” seems problematic; because the data are predicted using a random effect ηi set to zero, instead of the value fitting for that individual. However, AIC is related to the expected model output; and for individual data not used in building the predictive model, the expected model is output is obtained with mixed effects set to zero, although nonlinearities may bias expectation - but this is also true for nonlinear models without mixed effects.

Furthermore, it should be noted that minimizing AIC has a more general interpretation, namely optimally capturing the information contained in the data4. Independent or future population data z are not just predicted by y^; also the distributions of the expected random effects ϵ and η are characterized by σ^2 and ω^2. That is why OFVv (and not ν2) is the criterion to be used to assess the predictive performance of a model.

In pharmacokinetic analysis, it may not really be the most appropriate test (using a hypothesis test assuming a X2 distribution for the objective function) of whether an added exponential is statistically significant13. Here the hypothesis H0: the data originate from a K-exponential model (and HA: the data originate from a higher dimensional model) is almost certain to be false. Furthermore, when taking a low p-value, it is also almost certain that the model selected has worse predictive properties. If a model is to be applied in clinical practice, for example for drug administration in a patient never studied before, the model should be as predictive as possible. However, it may be sensible to test whether a certain fixed effect has both a clinically and statistically significant effect, if it is costly to reach a false conclusion, for example in case of increased risks for patients, or in the field of drug development.

Regression weights as functions of the model output

The simulated data were analyzed using weighted (non)linear regression, see equation (6), where measurement noise was weighted according to the exact function value. In practice, when the weights are unknown, a choice must be made to weight the data according to the measurements or to the model output, depending on which is likely to be the most accurate. To match the latter case, simulated data should be generated (cf. equation (6)) via


The likelihood function and AIC are both still well-defined if the model output y^i(tj) ≠ 0. Prediction errors are to be calculated with


where y^ possibly becomes arbitrarily close to zero for less than optimal models, and ν2 may be based on long-tailed distributed numbers. To be able to compare prediction errors from different models, the weight factors could be chosen identical for all K to the model output of the largest model - see the Supplementary material for further analysis.

Model selection uncertainty

Theoretically, and in the discussed simulations, minimum mean AIC is related to best mean predictive performance, where the mean is taken across multiple studies and prespecified models. This holds independent of the number of models. However, in practice, we have data from one study and the task of specifying the models to consider. As soon as there is more than one model, there is a nonzero probability that the model selected based on AIC would have, on average, a larger prediction error than the optimal one. Also if we were able to repeat the study, the average prediction error based on the models with minimum AIC would be larger than optimal. With many models, model selection is called unstable in the sense that each time a study is repeated it would lead to the selection of another model.

The figure panels with the model selection frequencies (in Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5) show: 1) there is relationship between the model with highest selection probability and minimum mean prediction error, but this relationship is not one-to-one; 2) there can be an almost as large selection probability for a model that is not associated with minimum mean prediction error; but 3) in that case, their minimum mean prediction errors are comparable.

Models with equal mean predictive properties may have different properties in different extrapolation scenarios. Model averaging4, where model parameters or their predictions are averaged, reduces model selection instability and hence may be used to avoid model specific inference which discards model selection uncertainty. Data dredging4 refers to the situation where there is an increasingly large set of models which are not prespecified. At the point the data dredging is stopped (by the investigator, or by the computer), the best model is at high risk to fit only the data at hand, and hence cannot be used for prediction14.

Limitations of the study

We recognize the following limitations of our study:

  • The simulation model contained only one random effect to describe interindividual variability, and therefore the number of random effect (co)variances was fixed to one in the model set used for fitting. While the number of (co)variance parameters should be counted as ordinary parameters5, at least in well behaved situations15, we did not investigate the process of optimizing this part of a random effects model.

  • The nonlinearity in the mixed-effects model was simply due to a multiplicative factor exp(η) in the model output. Usually, random effects in pharmacokinetic models have more complex influence on the model output. However, the lognormal nature of exp(η) is a characteristic property of both our toy model and general pharmacokinetic models.

  • The characteristics of the exponentials incorporated in the regression models were evenly spaced, and the values of the rate constants λ were fixed. We expect that with more freedom in the specification of the set of models, prediction errors with overfitted models may be worse. However, the agreement between AICc and prediction error should persist.

  • We did not evaluate all possible models within their definition, but only those listed in Table 1, and it makes sense to limit the model set to reduce model selection instability4,11. We did not address how to optimally select the rate constants λ. Stepwise selection methods have their disadvantages13. With stepwise forward selection, AICc may even perform worse than AIC16.

  • We did not evaluate the process of covariate selection. However, the set of exponentials may be viewed as a number of (somewhat correlated) predictors. It is therefore expected that the present findings also hold for other types of covariates.


In conclusion, the present simulation study demonstrated that, at least in a relatively simple mixed effects modeling context with a set of prespecified models, minimum mean AICc coincided with best predictive performance, also in the presence of interindividual variability.

Software availability

figshare: Simulation scripts: update 1, doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.103648317

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Olofsen E and Dahan A. Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved] F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 2
PUBLISHED 28 May 2014
Reviewer Report 22 Aug 2014
Paul Eilers, Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 
The explanation in the authors' response, about the effective degrees of freedom, clarifies the matter. That will be helpful to the readers.

I noticed a typo in the second paragraph of the Introduction, explaining the OFV. Change to "... (OFV), being ... Continue reading
Eilers P. Reviewer Report For: Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]. F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 24 Jun 2014
Julie Bertrand, UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, London, UK 
Approved with Reservations
  • "[W]ith three degrees of inter... volume of distribution" This does not make sense, as no mention of the volume parameter is made afterward in the body of the text.
  • "Fixed effects are ... the measurements obtained", Usually the fixed effects are the population/average/mean values of the model
... Continue reading
Bertrand J. Reviewer Report For: Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]. F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 30 Jun 2014
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    30 Jun 2014
    Author Response
    We thank the reviewer for pointing out those parts of the text that are unclear. Changes to the article will be based on the following observations.
    • The simulated interindividual variation influences
    ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 19 Mar 2015
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    19 Mar 2015
    Author Response
    The normalization of the likelihood by dividing by the total number of measurements was done to have a "target" value for the estimates indicated in the figures. When the between ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 30 Jun 2014
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    30 Jun 2014
    Author Response
    We thank the reviewer for pointing out those parts of the text that are unclear. Changes to the article will be based on the following observations.
    • The simulated interindividual variation influences
    ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 19 Mar 2015
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    19 Mar 2015
    Author Response
    The normalization of the likelihood by dividing by the total number of measurements was done to have a "target" value for the estimates indicated in the figures. When the between ... Continue reading
Version 1
PUBLISHED 04 Mar 2013
Reviewer Report 21 Oct 2013
Julie Bertrand, UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, London, UK 
Approved with Reservations
The title should indeed specify that this work focuses on pharmacokinetics (PK). However I must add that the model function considered is unusual enough that it seems difficult to extend their conclusions to a real PK study analysis.

The abstract is ... Continue reading
Bertrand J. Reviewer Report For: Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]. F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 07 May 2013
Frank Harrell, Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA 
Not Approved
The title and abstract do not place the potentially useful study in the right context. 'Population' can have many meanings and the scope is too wide. Consider narrowing the implied scope to mixed effects PK modeling.AIC can be an excellent ... Continue reading
Harrell F. Reviewer Report For: Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]. F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 05 Mar 2013
Paul Eilers, Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 
Approved with Reservations
This is an interesting and useful study, written in a relaxed style. I believe we need more studies like this, because there is a lot of folklore around AIC, mainly claiming that is generally over-fits.

I have one major objection: the ... Continue reading
Eilers P. Reviewer Report For: Using Akaike's information theoretic criterion in mixed-effects modeling of pharmacokinetic data: a simulation study [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]. F1000Research 2014, 2:71 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 05 Mar 2013
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    05 Mar 2013
    Author Response
    Thank you for your comments. Vaida and Blanchard (ref. 5 above) discuss two settings: model focus and cluster focus. In the former setting, the effective number of parameters equals the ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 05 Mar 2013
    Erik Olofsen, Department of Anesthesiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
    05 Mar 2013
    Author Response
    Thank you for your comments. Vaida and Blanchard (ref. 5 above) discuss two settings: model focus and cluster focus. In the former setting, the effective number of parameters equals the ... Continue reading

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Version 3
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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