Adaptations to Endurance and Strength Training

  1. Keith Baar1
  1. 1Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, Functional Molecular Biology Laboratory, University of California Davis, Davis, California 95616
  2. 2Section of Sports Sciences, Lillehammer University College, 2604 Lillehammer, Norway
  3. 3Innlandet Hospital Trust, 2380 Brumunddal, Norway
  1. Correspondence: kbaar{at}


The capacity for human exercise performance can be enhanced with prolonged exercise training, whether it is endurance- or strength-based. The ability to adapt through exercise training allows individuals to perform at the height of their sporting event and/or maintain peak physical condition throughout the life span. Our continued drive to understand how to prescribe exercise to maximize health and/or performance outcomes means that our knowledge of the adaptations that occur as a result of exercise continues to evolve. This review will focus on current and new insights into endurance and strength-training adaptations and will highlight important questions that remain as far as how we adapt to training.

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