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Justice Sensitivity

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Abstract. Scales for justice sensitivity from three perspectives (victim, observer, perpetrator) were developed. A latent state-trait analysis revealed high reliabilities (≈ .95). Trait consistencies (≈ .61) were twice as large as occasion specificities (≈ .33). The correlation between observer and perpetrator sensitivity was much higher than the correlation between either one and victim sensitivity. Self-related concerns (Machiavellianism, paranoia, suspiciousness, vengeance, jealousy, interpersonal trust) correlated more highly with victim sensitivity than with observer and perpetrator sensitivity. Other-related concerns (role taking, empathy, social responsibility) correlated more highly with observer and perpetrator sensitivity than with victim sensitivity. Low correlations between justice sensitivity and a just world belief system were found. Few correlations between justice sensitivity and broad personality traits were significant. Victim sensitivity correlated with neuroticism (≈ .30). Perpetrator sensitivity correlated with agreeableness (≈ .20). Observer and perpetrator sensitivity reflected high moral standards. Victim sensitivity was a mixture of self-protective motives and moral concerns.


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