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Abstract: Researchers and practitioners alike increasingly seek short, reliable, and valid measures in order to evaluate personality structure. This paper outlines the development of a short form of a full-length personality questionnaire. The Traits Personality Questionnaire 5 (TPQue5) consists of 75 statements measuring the Big Five dimensions (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) in addition to 26 statements evaluating social desirability responses. In order to elicit the 75 items, principal components analysis was performed on the scores of 1054 individuals from the normative sample. Reliability and validity data was collected on a new sample of 735 university students. Like the Traits Personality Questionnaire (TPQue), the TPQue5 factor scales displayed excellent internal consistency, and good test-retest reliability. Convergent and discriminant validation of the TPQue5 was demonstrated through comparison with other personality measures, while the analysis of the factorial structure of the test justified its concordance with the long form. The psychometric results of this study indicate that the TPQue5 is a reliable and valid measure, which can be used for a brief description and evaluation of personality.


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