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Ten empirical studies served to develop and validate the Arabic Obsessive Compulsive Scale (AOCS). Its final form includes 32 yes/no statements. The scale has good face validity. Test-retest reliability reached 0.85, while α was 0.80. Its criterion-related validity was 0.71 and 0.69 for males and females, respectively. Seven meaningful factors were extracted for the AOCS: obsessive doubts, orderliness and discipline, slowness and hesitation, rumination and compulsion, meticulousness and repetition, checking, and obsessive thoughts. The AOCS was positively correlated with neuroticism, trait anxiety, fear, depression, and sleep disorders, while it was negatively correlated with extraversion and lie. The scale was administered to 11 Egyptian subsamples comprising 1550 subjects, M and SD of whom were computed. A short version of the AOCS (i. e., 16 items) was also prepared, an English version of the scale is available as well.
