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Dynamic Assessment of Cognitive Rehabilitation Potential in Schizophrenic Persons and in Elderly Persons With and Without Dementia

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Summary: Dynamic assessment is a diagnostic approach in which specific interventions are integrated into assessment procedures to estimate cognitive modifiability. The study investigates the utility of this approach in persons with compelling rehabilitational needs. Samples of schizophrenic patients and of elderly with and without dementia were assessed with dynamic versions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Both tests were administered by applying specific procedures of verbal mediation designed to increase performance. Results demonstrated superior predictive validity with regard to proficiency in a clinical training in schizophrenic subjects and better discrimination of nondemented and demented elderly with the help of dynamic measures compared to static test scores. Subsequent correlational analyses indicated that, for both tests, performance change following intervention is related to the processing of verbal context information. Results are discussed with respect to the concept of verbal working memory as one component of the patients' rehabilitation potential.



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