Persisting asymmetries of vision after right side lesions rights and content


Visual neglect and extinction are well-known effects of lesions in the right hemisphere. This study shows that even with minor or no clinical signs of these deficits, and in the stable phase of recovery, asymmetric visual perception is common after right side lesions. Whole, partial and colour report experiments were used to estimate psychophysical parameters related to visual capacity and attentional weighting in 26 patients with stroke in the right side of the brain. The results were analyzed using Bundesen's Theory of Visual Attention (TVA [Bundesen, C. (1990). A theory of visual attention. Psychological Review, 97, 523–547]) including bootstrap estimation of the measurement error related to each test result [Habekost, T., & Bundesen, C. (2003). Patient assessment based on a theory of visual attention (TVA): Subtle deficits after a right frontal-subcortical lesion. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1171–1188]. Lesions were examined by MR scanning and analyzed statistically. Two main types of deficit were found. The first type was related to perception of unilateral displays, where most patients showed left side reductions of visual processing speed. This visual asymmetry correlated with injury to the putamen and surrounding white matter. The second deficit type occurred with bilateral displays, which increased the visual asymmetry (extinction effect) for most patients with large cortico-subcortical lesions, but rarely for patients with focal lesions. However, in a single case with pulvinar damage, visual asymmetry occurred selectively with bilateral stimulation. Overall, the study provided an overview of the cognitive structure and lesion anatomy of subtle visual asymmetries after right side stroke.


Visual extinction is a condition in which a briefly presented contralesional stimulus is perceived normally when shown in isolation, but missed (“extinguished”) when accompanied by an ipsilesional stimulus (Bender, 1952). Visual neglect is defined by a similar bias towards the ipsilesional field, but is a more complex syndrome where multiple aspects of space representation and exploration are also disturbed (Karnath, Milner, & Vallar, 2002). Because of impairments in top-down controlled exploration, neglect can be evident even with a single stimulus and unlimited exposure time. Extinction is often considered a mild form of neglect (Heilman, Watson, & Valenstein, 2003) but double dissociations have been reported between the two conditions (Cocchini, Cubelli, Della Sala, & Beschin, 1999), and the lesion anatomy may also differ (Karnath, Himmelbach, & Küker, 2003; Vallar, Rusconi, Bignamini, Germiniani, & Perani, 1994). For these reasons the two syndromes can be regarded as partly independent. However, by an extended definition of extinction, in which ipsilesional stimuli interfere with the processing of contralesional stimuli without making them invisible, extinction-like perception can probably be found in most patients with neglect (Geeraerts, Lafosse, Vandenbussche, & Verfaillie, 2005). Neglect is common in the acute stage, with up to half or more of patients with right hemisphere stroke showing some sign of the condition (depending on the assessment procedure: Azouvi et al., 2002), but it has been argued that neglect rarely persists into the stable phase of recovery (Maguire & Ogden, 2002; Stone, Patel, Greenwood, & Halligan, 1992) especially in the absence of field cuts (Samuelsson, Jensen, Ekholm, Naver, & Blomstrand, 1997). However, this conclusion is based on performance with standard clinical tests such as line bisection and visual cancellation, and attentional biases may still be revealed in the pattern of eye movements (Olk, Harvey, & Gilchrist, 2002), judgment of brightness gradients (Mattingley et al., 2004), daily life behaviour (Azouvi et al., 2002) or detection under high attentional demand (Russell, Malhotra, & Husain, 2004). Thus, abnormalities can persist even though most patients eventually recover from or compensate for their initial marked symptoms. Visual extinction is also relatively common in the acute stage (Vallar et al., 1994: 16% of a consecutive series of right side lesions), and clinical experience suggests that the condition tends to be chronic (Heilman et al., 2003). However, systematic investigations of the long-term prevalence of extinction have not been conducted. As with neglect, the prevalence may be underestimated due to low sensitivity of the standard clinical test (detection of unilateral versus bilateral finger movements). Therefore, it is possible that many patients who apparently have recovered from neglect or extinction, or perhaps never been diagnosed with these conditions, in fact continue to have visual asymmetries in some form.

To control better for ceiling effects in performance, a number of recent studies have tested neglect and extinction patients using computer based experiments that enable individualized, near-threshold stimulation. A main result of these investigations is that contralesional stimuli are often perceived abnormally even when presented alone (i.e. without competing stimuli in the ipsilesional field) suggesting that sensory effectiveness is compromised unilaterally. Especially, in case of extinction this runs counter to traditional notions. Both extinction and neglect can occur without damage in the primary visual pathways, and by definition cannot be attributed to sensory or motor defects (Heilman et al., 2003). It is often assumed that unilateral displays are processed normally and that bilateral stimulation (or in case of neglect: tasks involving space exploration) is necessary to bring out the right side advantage (Karnath, 1988). Both behavioural and electrophysiological evidence now makes this assumption untenable. In a group of patients with right side lesions, Smania et al. (1998) found that both reaction time (RT) and detection rates were impaired for single brief flashes of light in the contralesional compared to the ipsilesional hemifield. The interfield difference was greatly pronounced for patients with neglect; extinction patients showed a smaller effect. Marzi et al. (1996) also found slowing of RT to contralesional flashes and Angelelli, de Luca, and Spinelli (1998) reported decreased contrast sensitivity contralesionally in neglect patients, but normal performance in other patients with right side lesions. In addition to these behavioural demonstrations, evoked response potential studies have revealed abnormalities in the neural response to single contralesional stimuli in patients with neglect (Angelelli, de Luca, & Spinelli, 1996; Spinelli, Angelelli, de Luca, & Burr 1996; Spinelli, Burr, & Morrone, 1994) and extinction (Marzi, Girelli, Natale, & Miniussi, 2001). In summary, there is now solid evidence that processing of single contralesional stimuli is abnormal in neglect and, probably to a lesser extent, extinction patients. However, it has not been demonstrated that the asymmetry extends to right damaged patients with minor or no clinical signs of attentional deficit.

We aimed to test the hypothesis that impaired sensory effectiveness in the contralesional field is common after right side brain damage, even for patients in the stable phase of recovery with no clear symptoms of neglect or extinction. We also wanted to explore the prevalence of rightward attentional biases (extinction-like effects) in this group. To obtain a comprehensive picture of the patients, we included measures of attentional control and general capacity, as well as detailed lesion analysis. As in the above mentioned studies, we used stimulation near perception threshold for sensitive testing. However, the previous investigations were extended in a number of ways. First, we selected patients by a broad anatomical criterion (damage in the right side of the brain) and not by clinical symptoms of attention deficit. As patients were also in the stable phase of recovery (≥6 months post-injury), most showed only minor or no clinical signs of neglect or extinction. This in effect focused the study on sub-clinical deficits. Second, to minimize motor involvement and biases in space exploration, we studied perception within the time frame of a single fixation, arguably the basic element of vision. Unlike the RT experiments described above our tasks involved no significant motor component, but only required unspeeded report of perceived items. This should make findings specific to the visual system and not confounded by asymmetrical motor biases or general slowing of response. Third, we based the analysis of the experimental data on the Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) developed by Bundesen (1990). This enabled us to analyze performance into a number of parameters related to sensory effectiveness, perception thresholds, attentional weighting and visual short-term memory capacity, and thus to identify specific components in the visual asymmetries. By measuring this range of visual parameters in each patient, we were able to address hypotheses on the relation between extinction and general attentional capacity (Husain, Shapiro, Martin, & Kennard, 1997; Karnath, 1988, Mattingley, 2002) and the relation between sensory effectiveness and extinction (Marzi et al., 2001). Another strength of TVA analysis is that it can be coupled with statistical bootstrap methods to estimate the measurement error related to each test result (Habekost & Bundesen, 2003), which is very useful for investigating minor abnormalities. As a final feature, the study included high-resolution MR scans of each patient, which were used for statistical lesion analysis.

The TVA theory forms a basic analytic frame for our study. The theory was presented by Bundesen (1990) and accounts for findings from a wide range of experimental paradigms such as single-stimulus recognition, whole report, partial report, detection and visual search (for a recent review of TVA and the attention literature, see Bundesen & Habekost, 2005). The model has also been integrated with theories of memory, categorization and executive function (Logan, 2002; Logan & Gordon, 2001). Whereas the original TVA model was framed at a cognitive description level, its principles have recently been shown to have a strong analogy at the single cell level (Bundesen, Habekost, & Kyllingsbæk, 2005). The principles of TVA were introduced in a neuropsychological context by Duncan et al. (1999), who studied a group of neglect patients. Since then the method has been shown to possess the sensitivity and specificity necessary for single case studies (Duncan et al., 2003) even with patients who have only minor attentional problems (Gerlach, Marstrand, Habekost, & Gade, in press; Habekost & Bundesen, 2003; Peers et al., 2005).

TVA is a computational model that describes visual recognition and selection in terms of five parameters, whose relation is given by a set of equations (see Appendix A for mathematical details). These parameters are: (a) the perceptual threshold, t0: the shortest exposure duration at which visual identification is possible; (b) the visual processing speed, C: the total number of visual elements processed per second; (c) the storage capacity of visual short-term memory (VSTM), K: the maximum number of objects that can be reported from a brief visual display; (d) the visual selectivity, α: the ability to focus on targets rather than distractor objects; (e) the spatial bias, windex: the relative attentional weighting of stimuli in different parts of the visual field (here: left versus right). The parameters are best understood in context of the experimental designs used to estimate them: whole and partial report.

Whole report is a classical technique for estimating the total amount of available processing capacity (Cattell, 1885, Sperling, 1960). In TVA, total capacity is represented by parameters C (processing speed) and K (storage capacity of visual short-term memory). In a typical whole report experiment, the subject tries to report as many items as possible from a briefly exposed array of unrelated stimuli (e.g. letters). The score (number of correctly reported items) is measured as a function of exposure duration, and follows a characteristic pattern (Bundesen & Harms, 1999; Duncan et al., 1999; Habekost & Bundesen, 2003; Shibuya & Bundesen, 1988; see also Fig. 4). Below a minimal exposure duration t0 (the visual threshold) no items are reported. Above this exposure duration, the curve rises sharply, but gradually flattens out over the course of a few hundred milliseconds. Given long enough exposure time the score approaches an asymptotic value, interpreted as the maximum storage capacity of VSTM: K. Data fits of this parameter are improved by using non-integer values. For example, a K value of 3.3 represents a probability mixture of VSTM capacity at three and four elements, occurring with 70 and 30% probability, respectively. The C parameter is a measure of the total processing speed during visual recognition, and corresponds to the slope of the whole report function at t = t0. C is highly dependent on the sensory properties and general discriminability of the stimuli. When stimuli are presented unmasked, the effective exposure duration is prolonged by a constant, μ (Bundesen, 1990). This parameter is necessary for curve fitting, but will not receive independent interest. In sum, given a sufficient number of observations at different exposure durations (ranging from near-threshold to near-ceiling performance) the parameters t0, C and K can be estimated from whole report data.

Forming the natural complement of whole report, partial report experiments measure how the total processing capacity is distributed across objects in the visual field. In TVA, this corresponds to attentional weighting. Two aspects of weighting are typically investigated: the task-related weighting of objects designated as either targets or distractors, and the spatial weighting of objects in different parts of the visual field (e.g. the weight of objects in the left versus right hemifield). In partial report experiments, only objects belonging to a pre-defined target category (e.g. green letters) are to be reported. Performance in target-only conditions is compared with conditions in which both targets and distractors (e.g. red letters) are present. Score reductions in the distractor conditions reflect the efficiency of top-down attentional control, quantified by the TVA parameter α. In our partial report experiment, we included three target-only conditions: two conditions in which all stimuli occurred in either the left or right hemifield and one condition where stimuli occurred in both sides. The unilateral conditions allowed for estimation of sensory effectiveness separately in each side. In the bilateral condition, scores for left and right side stimuli could differ due to reduced sensory effectiveness in one side, but this factor was controlled for by data from the unilateral target-only conditions. Remaining side differences should therefore be attributed to different attentional weighting of each hemifield, which in TVA is quantified by windex. Thus, windex represents a pure estimate of spatial attentional bias (controlled for sensory factors) and asymmetries in this parameter correspond closely to the definition of visual extinction.

When unilateral displays are used, estimates of t0, C, K and α can be obtained separately in each visual field, whereas windex by definition relates to bilateral displays. In experiments that use only one exposure duration (as our partial report study) the processing rate C cannot be inferred from the data. Instead the accumulated sensory effect, A, of the display can be estimated. A is an indirect measure of sensory effectiveness.

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Subjects and clinical investigation

Medical records of all patients admitted to a brain injury rehabilitation centre (during a period of 3 years) and two university hospital stroke units (during a period of approximately 2 years) in Copenhagen were screened for radiological evidence (CT or MR) of stroke in the right side of the brain. To be selected for participation, a patient should also be at least 6 months post-injury and satisfy the following inclusion criteria: (a) normal visual acuity (Snellen score  9/6) and no field cuts,1


In this section, we present the psychophysical results, both in terms of raw scores and the TVA parameter estimates based on these data. The findings are then related to lesion anatomy, as well as other clinical measures. Most testing was conducted separately in the two visual fields. To evaluate the symmetry of two particular values, a lateralization index was computed using the formula Xindex = Xleft/(Xleft + Xright), where X may stand for a mean raw score, C, α or some other TVA parameter. A


We measured a range of visual parameters, sensory and attentional, in 26 patients with stroke in the right side of the brain. The test results were compared to MRI scans of each patient. In spite of the fact that patients were in the stable phase of recovery and had only minor or no clinical deficits, visual asymmetry was a common finding. We found two main types of deficit, one related to perception of unilateral displays, the other occurring with bilateral stimulation. In the following, we


This large patient study demonstrated two main types of visual asymmetry after stroke in the right side of the brain. One was related to perception of unilateral displays (parameters Cindex and Aindex), the other occurred with bilateral stimulation (parameter windex). Whereas both deficits seem to be highly common effects of (chronic) stroke in the middle cerebral artery, lesion analysis revealed different kinds of critical damage. A lesion in the putamen and surrounding white matter was


The study was supported by grants to Thomas Habekost from Aase og Ejnar Danielsens Fond, Fonden for Neurologisk Forskning, HjerneSagen, Ivan Nielsens Fond and Lundbeckfonden. Center for Visual Cognition is supported by a grant from the Danish Research Council for the Humanities. We would like to thank Anne Mette Leffers for help in conducting the MR scans, Søren Kyllingsbæk for programming assistance, and Center for Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Glostrup

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  • Cited by (57)

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      Citation Excerpt :

      Note that the patient of Habekost and Rostrup (2006) has a right-sided pulvinar lesion while our patient has a left-sided pulvinar lesion. While the patient of Habekost and Rostrup (2006) showed a bias to the right, our patient showed a bias to the left side. The spatial bias after medial thalamic lesions can be consistent with a previous study reporting attention deficits after paramedian lesions in one third of all patients (Hermann et al., 2008).

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