Action-specific extrapolation of target motion in human visual system rights and content


Neuropsychological studies have indicated two distinct visual pathways in our brain, one dedicated to conscious perception and one to visuomotor control. Some psychophysical results support this idea with normal subjects, but they are still controversial. This study provides new psychophysical evidence for the dissociation by showing action-specific extrapolation of the visual target trajectory. When a moving target disappears, the perceived final position is liable to be shifted forward (representational momentum). In experiment 1, larger and more robust forward shifts were found when the position was directly touched without seeing the screen (open-loop pointing) than when the position was judged perceptually. The most striking dissociation was that fixation did not affect the forward shift in open-loop pointing while it almost abolished the shifts in perceptual judgements. In experiment 2, this action-specific result was found to disappear after a response delay of 4000 ms. Experiments 3 and 4 confirmed that the results were not affected by the external reference frames. The specific forward shifts found in open-loop pointing suggest that the visuomotor system compensates for the neural delays by extrapolating the target motion. The results, together with earlier findings, lead to a psychophysical double dissociation of the two visual pathways.


Neuropsychological studies on brain damage patients have indicated that the human brain has distinct visual pathways for action control and for detailed visual perception, a conclusion which is also supported by monkey neurophysiology (Milner, 1999; Milner & Goodale, 1995). For example, a patient with ‘visual form agnosia’ was able to post a plaque into a slot without being able to report its orientation. Together with the knowledge that damage in the parietal cortex can lead to visuomotor disorders (Bálint syndrome), there seems to be a double dissociation in terms of both function and physical pathways. Psychophysical studies on intact observers, however, have not shown such a clear picture. One line of evidence for separate functional pathways comes from results where the grasping action resists visual geometrical illusions such as the size contrast effect in Titchner–Ebbinghaus circles (Aglioti, DeSouza, & Goodale, 1995). However, there are possible artefacts (Franz, 2001), and dissociation in the results might not be evidence of two pathways (Bruno, 2001; Franz, Bulthoff, & Fahle, 2003). Given that a dissociation between perception and action has been reported in many other cases (e.g. Bridgeman et al., 1997, Burr et al., 2001, Dyde and Milner, 2002), the weakness seems to be that action is always more immune to illusion, a claim which has no a priori justification.

Yamagishi, Anderson, and Ashida (2001) provided the counterpart to complete the double dissociation. Using drifting Gabor patches, they demonstrated that the positional bias due to carrier motion (Anstis and Ramachandran, 1995, De Valois and De Valois, 1991) is more pronounced in an immediate open-loop reaching task than in perceptual judgement, showing that action can be more prone to illusion. The time taken for visual processing is a problem when determining the location of a moving target, and one possibility is that our visual system anticipates the target’s true location on the basis of the motion signal (Anstis & Ramachandran, 1995). If so, it is not surprising that a larger extrapolation should be found in a real-time reaching action in order to avoid missing the target. This idea, however, remains speculative because anticipation is not a real requirement in the case of motion-related positional biases because the envelope pattern does not move. We need to test the anticipatory effect for a moving target in a more straightforward situation.

While anticipatory mechanisms in the retina of rabbits and salamanders have been reported (Berry, Brivanlou, Jordan, & Meister, 1999), it is unclear if primates or humans, with their more complex visual systems, have a similar function. Discussion on anticipatory visual coding has been active in psychophysics since the rediscovery of the flash-lag illusion (Nijhawan, 1994), in which a continuously moving target is perceived ahead of a flashed stimulus when the two are physically aligned in space and time. Nijhawan (1994) argued that the visual system extrapolates the moving object’s instantaneous location to compensate for the processing delay. Although it is an intriguing idea, later results are more favourable to other factors as the cause of the flash-lag illusion, for example, processing delay for the flashed target (Whitney & Murakami, 1998) or time averaging of the position of the moving object (Eagleman & Sejnowski, 2000), and discussion on the flash-lag continues (see Nijhawan, 2002). Since anticipation is particularly important in direct action (Nijhawan, 1994, Nijhawan, 2002), it is notable that Nijhawan and Kirschfeld (2003) found a similar flash-lag phenomenon between visual and motor domains. They showed that perception of a flashed visual target lagged behind the position of an unseen rod that was manually controlled. While they argued for analogous delay-compensating mechanisms in visual and motor processing, they did not provide clear evidence either against the other theories of visual flash-lag or against the possibility that all compensation is accomplished in the motor system.

Here we address two main questions: firstly, whether the brain operates purely visual extrapolation to compensate for the neural delays, and secondly whether such extrapolation selectively affects direct visuomotor co-ordination. To answer these questions, this study investigated the judged final position of a linearly moving target after it suddenly disappeared. The perceived final position is apt to be shifted forward, an effect referred to as “representational momentum” (RM), because it seems as if the inner representation has momentum (Freyd, 1983). There are two major advantages to using this phenomenon. First, the target actually moves and the forward shift is more straightforwardly explained in terms of extrapolation than in the case of the Gabor stimuli. Second, since observers are not asked to point to the target itself, compensation for motor delays is not required. A substantial shift in the motion direction would therefore be a signature of visual extrapolation along the target path. The main interest is in the way in which forward shift occurs in perceptual and motor responses.

While RM has been found for several kinds of motion, a linear and smooth motion as tested by Hubbard and Bharucha (1988) is the most desirable for the current purpose. Two main and two control experiments revealed a distinct pattern of results for open-loop action, evidence of specific visual extrapolation for the immediate control of action. The results also provide another piece of evidence for the distinct visual processing for perception and action.

Section snippets


HA was the author, and MN was a senior researcher. NY participated as an undergraduate course requirement. Naı̈ve observers (RS, SY, HM, and TI) participated in the two main experiments with payment by the standard of Kyoto University. All the participants except the author himself gave their informed consent before starting the experiment. All were right-handed and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Their age ranged between 21 and 34 years.

Apparatus and procedure

Stimuli were generated by a framebuffer system


Cursor adjustment, close-loop pointing, and open-loop pointing were tested with and without fixation. Three speeds were tested (10, 19, or 35°/s). For open-loop pointing, the shutter was closed just when the target disappeared. In this experiment, the observers were not required to follow the target strictly when there was no fixation mark, but all the observers tried to do so according to their later verbal report.

As a more genuinely perceptual judgement, a control condition was tested. Target

Experiment 2

It has been suggested that the visuomotor system works in real time, and delayed responses must rely on stored information in the perceptual system (Hu et al., 1999, Hu and Goodale, 2000; Yamagishi et al., 2001). If so, delayed open-loop pointing would not show the specific pattern of forward shifts. As experiment 1 confirmed that closed-loop pointing does not yield action-specific responses but relies on perceptual information, only closed-loop and open-loop responses were tested in this

Experiment 3

There remains the possibility that the open-loop effect was caused by the lack of a spatial frame of reference and we do not need to consider the visuomotor responses (Bruno, 2001). According to this hypothesis, fixation would lead to more reliable positional coding of the target against the background and thus to suppression of the illusory forward shift. This would apply to cursor adjustment and closed-loop pointing but not to open-loop pointing as the background was not visible during

Experiment 4

In this experiment, the effect of visible frames was tested the other way round, that is, by testing open-loop pointing with a visible screen background. The observers viewed the screen through a mirror and pointed behind the it without seeing their hands (Yamagishi et al., 2001).

Separate visual processing for perception and action

The forward shift in the perceived final position of a moving target was more pronounced in an open-loop reaching action than in a perceptual judgement. This result is consistent with a recent report of Kerzel and Gegenfurtner (2003), but now a qualitative as well as quantitative difference has been confirmed by the selective effect of eye fixation; it greatly reduced the forward shift in a perceptual judgement but not in an open-loop action. This is not explained by any possible difference in


I thank Harold Hill and Masayoshi Nagai for their valuable help and comments. This research was supported in part by the 21st Century COE program (D-2 to Kyoto University), MEXT, Japan, and by the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan. Portions of the results were presented at Vision Sciences Society annual meeting (2002, Sarasota, FL, USA) and the conference “Visual Localization in Space-Time” (2002, Brighton, UK).

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