

Volume 46, Issue 10, November–December 2010, Pages 1345-1361

Special issue: Research report
Etiology and neuropsychology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD: The case for multiple-deficit models

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2010.06.009Get rights and content



Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and reading disability (RD) are complex childhood disorders that frequently co-occur, but the etiology of this comorbidity remains unknown.


Participants were 457 twin pairs from the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC) twin study, an ongoing study of the etiology of RD, ADHD, and related disorders. Phenotypic analyses compared groups with and without RD and ADHD on composite measures of six cognitive domains. Twin analyses were then used to test the etiology of the relations between the disorders and any cognitive weaknesses.


Phenotypic analyses supported the hypothesis that both RD and ADHD arise from multiple cognitive deficits rather than a single primary cognitive deficit. RD was associated independently with weaknesses on measures of phoneme awareness, verbal reasoning, and working memory, whereas ADHD was independently associated with a heritable weakness in inhibitory control. RD and ADHD share a common cognitive deficit in processing speed, and twin analyses indicated that this shared weakness is primarily due to common genetic influences that increase susceptibility to both disorders.


Individual differences in processing speed are influenced by genes that also increase risk for RD, ADHD, and their comorbidity. These results suggest that processing speed measures may be useful for future molecular genetic studies of the etiology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD.


During the latter half of the twentieth century, conceptual models of complex disorders such as reading disability (RD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) typically implicated linear causal pathways in which a single genetic or environmental risk factor led to a single neurocognitive deficit that provided a necessary and sufficient explanation of all of the symptoms of the disorder. Models that proposed a 1:1 relation between a specific etiology, a specific neuropsychological dysfunction, and a categorical disorder worked well for conditions that were caused by a single gene, such as Huntington’s Disease and phenylketonuria (although even in these examples the etiology is far more complex than was initially understood). In contrast, an increasing literature suggests that these models do not provide a satisfactory explanation for most complex disorders.

Pennington (2006) recently summarized the arguments against single-deficit models for complex disorders. Molecular genetic risk factors first identified for RD or ADHD have replicated in some studies but not others, and the observed effect sizes of these risk factors are too small to be a single risk factor that is sufficient to account for all cases of the disorder by itself (e.g., Bates et al., 2007b, Cardon et al., 1994, Cardon et al., 1995, Curran et al., 2001, Fisher and DeFries, 2002, McGrath et al., 2006). In addition, subsequent studies also identified several other genetic and neuropsychological risk factors for each disorder (e.g., Fisher and DeFries, 2002, Gizer et al., 2009, Willcutt, 2008, Zhou et al., 2008), providing additional evidence against single-deficit models for RD or ADHD.

Another important criticism of single-deficit models is especially germane to the current paper. Models that propose a single cognitive dysfunction that is unique to each disorder cannot easily account for the pervasive comorbidity between different disorders. For example, although RD and ADHD each occur in approximately 5% of children in the population, 25–40% of children with either RD or ADHD also meet criteria for the other disorder (e.g., August and Garfinkel, 1990, Semrud-Clikeman et al., 1992, Willcutt and Pennington, 2000). Similarly, studies of dimensional measures of reading and ADHD symptoms report significant correlations that are low to moderate in magnitude (r = .2–.5; Bauermeister et al., 2005, Nigg et al., 1998, Willcutt et al., 2001a, Willcutt et al., 2000b, Willcutt et al., 2005b).

Taken together, these converging results have precipitated a major reconceptualization of theoretical models of RD, ADHD, and other complex disorders. Rather than attempting to identify a single necessary and sufficient cause that is specific to each disorder, more recent theoretical models explicitly hypothesize that complex disorders are heterogeneous conditions that arise from the additive and interactive effects of multiple genetic and environmental risk factors to lead to weaknesses in multiple cognitive domains (Pennington, 2006, Sonuga-Barke et al., 2008, Willcutt et al., 2008). In this paper we use neuropsychological and behavior genetic methods to test multiple-deficit models of RD and ADHD, then test if a subset of cognitive weaknesses may increase susceptibility to both disorders, leading to comorbidity.

Over 20 different theoretical models have been proposed to explain why comorbidity occurs between complex disorders (e.g., Angold et al., 1999, Neale and Kendler, 1995), and a number of these hypotheses have been tested as explanations for comorbidity of RD and ADHD. Before attempting to understand the etiology of comorbidity between disorders, it is important to rule out the possibility that the observed comorbidity is an artifact caused by a biased sampling procedure or measurement problem. For example, artifactual comorbidity could occur due to ascertainment biases in clinic-referred samples, rater biases or shared method variance in the measures used to define the disorders, or symptom overlap between the disorders.

Most artifactual hypotheses can be rejected as explanations for comorbidity between RD and ADHD based on existing data. RD and ADHD co-occur more frequently than expected by chance in samples ascertained from clinics (e.g., Semrud-Clikeman et al., 1992) and non-referred samples recruited from the community (e.g., Fergusson and Horwood, 1992, Willcutt and Pennington, 2000), indicating that this comorbidity is not restricted to clinic-referred samples. The relation between RD and ADHD cannot be explained by shared method variance because RD is assessed by cognitive tests whereas ADHD is assessed by behavioral ratings, and the symptoms that define RD and ADHD do not overlap (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).

The rater-bias hypothesis is somewhat more difficult to test, and the possibility remains that parents or teachers may be more likely to endorse ADHD symptoms if they know that the child is experiencing difficulty with reading. However, two of our results argue against this possibility. In unselected samples of twins attending preschool in the United States, Australia, and Scandinavia, parent and teacher ratings of ADHD symptoms were significantly correlated with pre-reading skills prior to the initiation of formal reading instruction, suggesting that these ratings were not biased by any overt reading difficulties exhibited by the child (Willcutt et al., 2007a). The second study examined ratings of attention problems by parents, teachers, and children with RD themselves, and found that all three raters reported that children with RD experienced greater difficulties with attention than children without RD (Willcutt, 2008). Although the rater-bias hypothesis cannot be conclusively rejected based on these results, these data suggest that it is not likely to explain most cases of comorbidity between RD and ADHD. Therefore, we turn next to behavior genetic methods that have been used to test if comorbidity between RD and ADHD is due to shared genetic or environmental influences that increase risk for both disorders.

Behavior genetic studies provide a versatile and powerful approach to examine the etiology of individual disorders and their comorbidity. Although the specific etiological mechanisms that lead to RD and ADHD are still unknown, significant advances have been made in understanding the extent to which these difficulties are attributable to genetic or environmental influences. In this section we briefly describe behavioral genetic methods and summarize studies that have applied these approaches to understand the etiology of RD, ADHD, and their co-occurrence.

Previous studies clearly demonstrate that both RD and ADHD are familial (DeFries et al., 1978, Faraone et al., 2000, Finucci and Childs, 1983, Friedman et al., 2003). The relative risk for RD is 4–8 times higher in first-degree relatives of probands with RD than in relatives of individuals without RD, and the relative risk for ADHD is 6–8 times higher in biological family members of probands with ADHD. Similarly, studies of unselected samples indicate that correlations between biological family members are moderate to high for measures of reading (r = .40–.70; e.g., Bates et al., 2007a, Byrne et al., 2002, Byrne et al., 2007, Harlaar et al., 2005, Petrill et al., 2007, Wadsworth et al., 2002) and moderate for measures of individual differences in attention and activity level (r = .20–.50; McLoughlin et al., 2007, Rietveld et al., 2003, Willcutt et al., 2007a).

Family studies also provide important information regarding the etiology of comorbidity. If common familial risk factors increase risk for both disorders, family members of probands with RD should be more likely to meet criteria for ADHD, and vice versa. Although not all studies find evidence of shared familial influences on learning disabilities and ADHD (Doyle et al., 2001, Faraone et al., 1993), results from the sample used for the current analyses suggest that family members of probands with RD or ADHD alone are 2–3 times more likely to meet criteria for the other disorder than family members of comparison probands without either disorder (Friedman et al., 2003).

Taken together, these studies provide tentative support for the hypothesis that shared familial influences may contribute to comorbidity between these disorders. Significant co-familiality suggests that RD and ADHD may be attributable to common genetic influences, but family studies cannot provide conclusive evidence. Because members of biological families living in the same home share both genetic and family environmental influences, other approaches such as twin studies are necessary to disentangle the relative contributions of genes and environment.

By comparing the similarity of monozygotic (MZ) twins, who share all of their genes, to dizygotic (DZ) twins, who share half of their segregating genes on average, twin analyses provide estimates of the extent to which a trait or disorder is due to genetic or environmental influences (e.g., Plomin et al., 2008). The most straightforward test for genetic influences on a categorical disorder is a comparison of the rate of concordance in pairs of MZ versus DZ twins. If the disorder is influenced by genes, the proportion of pairs in which both twins meet criteria for the disorder will be higher in MZ pairs than DZ pairs. Virtually all previous twin studies reported higher concordance in MZ twin pairs versus DZ twin pairs for both RD and ADHD (Bakwin, 1973, Goodman and Stevenson, 1989, Harlaar et al., 2005, Hawke et al., 2006, Levy et al., 1997, Sherman et al., 1997b; e.g., Thapar et al., 2001, Todd et al., 2001, Willcutt et al., 2000a).

Although the simplicity of a comparison of concordance rates is appealing, increasing evidence suggests that RD, ADHD, and most other complex disorders are defined by a diagnostic threshold imposed upon a continuous distribution of liability (Shaywitz et al., 1992; e.g., Willcutt et al., 2000a). Transformation of a continuous measure such as reading performance or ADHD symptoms into a categorical variable (e.g., RD or ADHD vs unaffected) results in the loss of important information regarding both severity differences among individuals with the disorder and variability in subthreshold symptomatology. This methodological issue is especially critical for ADHD because the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) diagnostic criteria for ADHD include two separate symptom dimensions characterized by inattention versus hyperactivity and impulsivity, and correlations with reading achievement and more general academic difficulties are significantly higher with the inattention symptom dimension than the hyperactivity–impulsivity symptom dimension (Chhabildas et al., 2001, Lahey and Willcutt, 2002, Molina et al., 2001, Willcutt and Pennington, 2000, Wolraich et al., 1998).

To facilitate the use of dimensional measures in twin studies, quantitative genetic methods were developed for analyses of the etiology of individual differences in the population (Neale et al., 2002) and clinically significant extreme scores on a continuous dimension of liability (e.g., DeFries and Fulker, 1985, DeFries and Fulker, 1988). Basic twin models estimate three parameters. Heritability is the proportion of the total phenotypic variance in a trait that is attributable to genetic influences. Shared environmental influences are environmental factors that increase the similarity of individuals within a family in comparison to unrelated individuals in the population. These effects may potentially include environmental influences within the home or any other shared experiences such as mutual friends or shared teachers. In contrast, nonshared environmental influences are environmental factors that are independent or unique for members of twin pairs. These risk factors could include a head injury or other accident, a traumatic event, or exposure to physical or sexual abuse (if the other twin was not similarly exposed).

Fig. 1 summarizes previous twin studies of dimensional measures of reading, inattention, and hyperactivity–impulsivity. Estimates of heritability are moderate to high for individual differences in single-word reading, inattention, and hyperactivity–impulsivity, and extreme scores on each of these measures are also significantly heritable (e.g., Harlaar et al., 2005, Levy et al., 1997, Stevenson, 1992, Willcutt et al., 2000b, Willcutt et al., 2007b). Shared environmental influences account for an additional 10–15% of the variance in reading, but are not significant in most studies of ADHD, and the remaining 20–25% of the variance in each phenotype is explained by nonshared environmental influences and measurement error.

Based on the consistent finding that both individual differences and extreme scores on measures of ADHD and RD are highly heritable, several twin studies tested if comorbidity between RD and ADHD was explained by common genetic influences. Initial results were somewhat inconsistent, but generally suggested that comorbidity between RD and ADHD was at least partially explained by common genetic influences (e.g., Light et al., 1995, Stevenson et al., 1993, Trzesniewski et al., 2006). Subsequent studies clarified these results by conducting separate analyses of inattention and hyperactivity–impulsivity. These analyses indicated that common genetic influences accounted for most of the phenotypic covariance between reading difficulties and inattention, whereas common genetic influences were lower for reading and hyperactivity–impulsivity (Willcutt et al., 2007a, Willcutt et al., 2007b, Willcutt et al., 2000b). In addition to these shared genetic influences, individual differences in all three measures were also attributable to independent genetic and environmental influences.

The partial genetic overlap between RD and ADHD suggests that there may also be partial overlap between the disorders at the cognitive level of analysis. For example, a shared genetic risk factor may lead to a specific neuropsychological weakness that increases susceptibility to both disorders. In this section we briefly summarize the extensive neuropsychological literatures on RD and ADHD, then describe results of studies that tested which cognitive risk factors are unique to RD or ADHD and which are plausible candidates for shared risk factors that affect both disorders.

Studies of individuals with and without reading difficulties suggest that phonological decoding (PD), defined as the ability to translate sequences of printed letters into the corresponding sounds, plays a central role in both normal and abnormal reading development (Pennington, 2002, Vellutino et al., 2004, Wagner, 1986, Wagner et al., 1997). The unique contribution of PD to most cases of RD has been suggested by the presence of significant group deficits in PD when older children with RD are compared to younger readers without RD who are reading at the same level (Olson, 1985, Rack et al., 1992). Moreover, twin studies have shown that there are strong genetic influences on PD that also influence word reading (Bates et al., 2007a, Gayan and Olson, 2001, Olson et al., 1994a, Olson et al., 1989, Petrill et al., 2007). Deficits in PD and word reading are in turn linked to genetic influences on the oral language skill of phoneme awareness, defined as the ability to recognize and manipulate the phonemic constituents of speech (Gayan and Olson, 2001, Olson et al., 1994a). Problems with phoneme awareness are regarded by many as the most proximal cause of most cases of RD (c.f., Wagner et al., 1994).

In addition to the well-documented relation between reading difficulties and phonological processing, recent studies suggest that individuals with RD also have weaknesses in several other cognitive domains (Pennington, 2006, Willcutt et al., 2008). These weaknesses include difficulty accessing the orthographic representation of words from the lexicon (Gayan and Olson, 2001), weaknesses in other areas of speech and language processing (Olson, 1994; e.g., Pisecco et al., 2001), slower verbal naming speed and general processing speed (e.g., Compton et al., 2001, Denckla and Rudel, 1976, Shanahan et al., 2006, Tannock et al., 2000), and weaknesses in executive domains such as verbal working memory, planning, and response inhibition (Klorman et al., 1999, Purvis and Tannock, 2000, Roodenrys et al., 2001, Swanson et al., 1999, Willcutt et al., 2001a, Willcutt et al., 2001b, Willcutt et al., 2005b). Therefore, although phonological processing difficulties explain more variance in reading than any other cognitive dysfunction, these results provide support for a multiple-deficit cognitive model of RD in at least some cases.

A large body of research suggests that the neuropsychology of ADHD may be even more complex. Groups with ADHD differ significantly from groups without ADHD on a wide range of measures, with the most consistent group differences on measures of processing speed, response variability, and executive functions (EF) such as working memory, response inhibition, and planning (see reviews by Barkley, 1997, Nigg, 2001, Nigg, 2006, Pennington, 2002, Pennington and Ozonoff, 1996, Willcutt et al., 2005a, Willcutt et al., 2008). Meta-analyses indicate that each of these weaknesses has a small to medium effect size, and none is necessary or sufficient to cause ADHD in isolation. These data suggest that a single core deficit in ADHD is unlikely to be found, and that ADHD is also best described by a multiple-deficit neuropsychological model (Pennington, 2006, Willcutt et al., 2008).

We recently conducted a systematic meta-analysis of all published neuropsychological studies of childhood disorders to identify cognitive risk factors that might explain comorbidity between RD, ADHD, and other complex disorders (Willcutt et al., 2008).

The results of the review and a series of empirical studies all suggested that the strongest candidates for a shared cognitive weakness in RD and ADHD were processing speed, response variability, and verbal working memory (e.g., Rucklidge and Tannock, 2002, Shanahan et al., 2006, Willcutt et al., 2001a, Willcutt et al., 2000b, Willcutt et al., 2005b). In addition, several studies unexpectedly found deficits in response inhibition in groups with RD (e.g., Purvis and Tannock, 2000, Willcutt et al., 2001a, Willcutt et al., 2001b), suggesting that additional research is needed to clarify the nature of this association.

Based on these results, McGrath et al. (submitted for publication) conducted multivariate analyses of the extensive battery of cognitive tests administered as part of the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC) twin study. The goal of these analyses was to test which neuropsychological processes were associated with both reading difficulties and ADHD symptoms, and which were specific to each disorder. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) supported a model that included 6 latent factors that were labeled verbal reasoning, phoneme awareness, processing speed, naming speed, working memory, and response inhibition. The authors then fitted a structural equation model in which the six cognitive factors predicted latent measures of word reading, inattention, and hyperactivity–impulsivity. The most parsimonious model included phoneme awareness and verbal reasoning as unique predictors of word reading, and response inhibition as a unique predictor of inattention and hyperactivity–impulsivity. Processing speed, naming speed, and working memory were modeled as potential shared cognitive deficits. Of these potential shared deficits, processing speed was the only measure to predict all three symptom dimensions.

The present study builds on the results of McGrath et al. (submitted for publication) by testing the genetic and environmental etiology of scores on composite measures of word reading, inattention, hyperactivity–impulsivity, and the six cognitive composites. The primary goals of the study were as follows:

  • 1.

    Zero-order correlations were calculated between all pairs of composites to provide an overview of the phenotypic associations among the variables. Multiple logistic regression analyses were then conducted to test which neuropsychological composites independently predicted the diagnoses of RD and ADHD, and whether any of the cognitive variables significantly predicted both disorders.

  • 2.

    Univariate twin analyses were conducted to test the etiology of individual differences and extreme scores on each of the diagnostic measures and neuropsychological composites. We hypothesized that all measures would be significantly heritable, but that shared environmental influences would only be significant for the measures of reading and the six cognitive domains.

  • 3.

    Multivariate twin analyses were used to estimate the extent to which RD, ADHD, and the neurocognitive composites are attributable to common or unique genetic and environmental influences. In the final step of the multivariate analyses, Cholesky decomposition models were fitted to test if genetic or environmental influences on one of the cognitive composites could account for comorbidity between RD and ADHD. Based on our previous results (e.g., Shanahan et al., 2006, McGrath et al., submitted for publication), we predicted that these analyses would reveal that genetic influences on processing speed explain at least a portion of the phenotypic covariance between RD and ADHD.

Section snippets


Participants were 244 MZ twin pairs (112 males, 132 females) and 213 same-sex DZ twin pairs (104 males, 109 females) from the CLDRC twin study, an ongoing study of the etiology of RDs, ADHD, and related disorders (e.g., DeFries et al., 1997). Because recruitment and testing procedures for the study are described in detail elsewhere (e.g., Willcutt et al., 2005b), we provide an abbreviated summary here.

Data cleaning and transformations

As expected, correlational analyses revealed that performance on all neuropsychological variables improved as a linear function of age (p < .01 for all measures). Therefore, to control for the influence of age, an age-adjusted score was created for each measure by regressing the variable onto age and age-squared and saving the residual score. The distribution of each age-adjusted variable was then assessed for outliers prior to any additional analyses. Outliers were defined as scores that fell

Zero-order correlations

All nine composite measures were significantly correlated with all other measures, but the magnitude of the correlations varied significantly (Table 2). As expected, word reading had the highest correlation with phoneme awareness (r = .71). Correlations between word reading and the other five cognitive composites were also significant and medium to large in magnitude (r = .35–.61), although the correlation between reading and response inhibition was significantly smaller than the correlations with


This study examined the etiology and neuropsychology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD in a sample of twins overselected for RD and ADHD. The primary goal of the study was to clarify the nature of the relation between RD and ADHD by testing which neuropsychological functions are associated with RD, ADHD, or both disorders, and which cognitive weaknesses may be due to the common genetic influences that lead to comorbidity between RD and ADHD.


The current results suggest that RD and ADHD are each associated with weaknesses in multiple neuropsychological domains. Deficits in phonological processing, verbal reasoning, and naming speed are primarily associated with RD, whereas weak response inhibition may be independently associated with ADHD. Twin analyses suggest that comorbidity between RD and ADHD is primarily due to common genetic influences that lead to slow processing speed, suggesting that measures of processing efficiency may

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      In our view, it can be interpreted on the grounds of two main assumptions. First, many aspects—not just one, specific core aspect—may underlie a given neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., Willcutt et al., 2010). Second, different neurodevelopmental disorders share several of these aspects, ADHD and SLDs in particular (Goker et al., 2014; Willcutt et al., 2005).

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