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The Impact of Self-Regulation on Preschool Mathematical Achievement

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The present studies aimed at investigating whether children’s risk for self-regulatory failure implicates poor academic outcomes even before the start of formal instruction. Therefore, we analyzed the association between children’s self-regulation abilities (i.e., operationalized with different paradigms) and academic achievement (i.e., early math skills). In Study 1, we found that parent-rated self-regulation predicted early math skills in preschool children. Additionally, the time that children managed to successfully delay a response predicted early math skills. In Study 2, we found that self-regulated behavior in preschool children as measured in a newly developed computerized delay task predicted early math skills. The results are discussed with respect to the importance of children’s self-regulation abilities for successful academic achievement.

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  1. The German preschool is known as kindergarten. Children between the ages of three and six attend kindergartens that are not part of the German school system. For ease of exposition we refer to these institutions as preschools in the present paper.


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Correspondence to Caterina Gawrilow.

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This research was partly funded by the Hessian initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence (LOEWE, Study 1) and by a grant given to the research group “The Empirics of Education: Economic and Behavioral Perspectives” in the context of the German Excellence Initiative at the University of Freiburg (Study 2).

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Gawrilow, C., Fäsche, A., Guderjahn, L. et al. The Impact of Self-Regulation on Preschool Mathematical Achievement. Child Ind Res 7, 805–820 (2014).

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