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Egalitarian Attitudes Towards the Division of Household Labor Among Adolescents in Iceland

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Sex Roles Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Iceland ranks among the most egalitarian nations in the world according to various quantitative indicators. Gender inequalities nevertheless persist, and egalitarian attitudes among youth have declined in recent years. A national survey among 2,031 students aged 15–16 in 2006 showed that girls and adolescents reporting same-sex attraction hold more egalitarian attitudes towards the division of household labor. A family background of distant immigration, traditional families, and economic affluence were associated with less egalitarian attitudes, as were hours of internet use. Both essentialist and neo-liberal gender ideologies tended to legitimize traditional attitudes. An essentialist gender ideology was associated with more traditional attitudes among girls while a neo-liberal gender ideology was more strongly associated with traditional attitudes among boys.

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Bjarnason, T., Hjalmsdottir, A. Egalitarian Attitudes Towards the Division of Household Labor Among Adolescents in Iceland. Sex Roles 59, 49–60 (2008).

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