A 53-year-old man, with no medical history, presented to the emergency department with malaise and severe shortness of breath two months after a dog bite. On physical examination, the heart rate was 95 beats per minute, blood pressure was 128/48 mm Hg and a cardiac decrescendo diastolic murmur as well as a Duroziez sign were noted. Laboratory tests showed elevated infection parameters (C-reactive protein [CRP] 105 mg/l, leucocytes 22.5 10^9/l), liver enzymes and N‑terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP: 3532 pg/ml). Echocardiography revealed a large vegetation on the aortic valve with severe regurgitation (Fig. 1a). A colour M‑mode Doppler imaging of the transmitral flow is shown (Fig. 1b). What is your diagnosis?
You will find the answer elsewhere in this issue.
Conflict of interest
M.A.W. Habets and S. Bouwmeester declare that they have no competing interests.
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Het Netherlands Heart Journal wordt uitgegeven in samenwerking met de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cardiologie. Het tijdschrift is Engelstalig en wordt gratis beschikbaa ...