Uitgave 5/2003
Inhoudsopgave (7 Artikelen)
Developmental Markers in Adolescence: Implications for Studies of Pubertal Processes
Lorah D. Dorn, Ronald E. Dahl, Douglas E. Williamson, Boris Birmaher, David Axelson, James Perel, Stacy D. Stull, Neal D. Ryan
Eating Problems and the Self-Concept: Results Based on a Representative Sample of Norwegian Adolescent Girls
Juliska Kansi, Lars Wichstrøm, Lars R. Bergman
A Structural Model of Autonomy in Middle and Late Adolescence: Connectedness, Separation, Detachment, and Agency
Wim Beyers, Luc Goossens, Ilse Vansant, Els Moors
The Effect of “Thin Ideal” Television Commercials on Body Dissatisfaction and Schema Activation During Early Adolescence
Duane Hargreaves, Marika Tiggemann
Peer Social Structure and Risk-Taking Behaviors Among African American Early Adolescents
Shari Miller-Johnson, Philip R. Costanzo, John D. Coie, Mary R. Rose, Dorothy C. Browne, Courtney Johnson
Power–Control as a Between- and Within-Family Model: Reconsidering the Unit of Analysis
Brenda Sims Blackwell, Mark D. Reed