Uitgave 4/2014
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy on Psychological Well-Being of People with Late Blindness
Mahin Dokht Mozaffar Jalali, Mir Sadjad Moussavi, Seyed Amir Amin Yazdi, Javad Salehi Fadardi
- Original Brief Research Reports
Negative Recurrent Thinking as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms
Ana V. Nikčević, Gabriele Caselli, Deborah Green, Marcantonio M. Spada
The Relationship Between Frustration Intolerance, Unhealthy Emotions, and Assertive Behaviour in Italian Students
Pina Filippello, Neil Harrington, Caterina Buzzai, Luana Sorrenti, Sebastiano Costa
A Clinical Intervention in Chronic Pain and Insomnia with a Combined Model of Treatment: A Test of Concept
W. Jeff Bryson, Joan B. Read, Joseph P. Bush, Christopher L. Edwards
Rational Beliefs as Cognitive Protective Factors Against Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
Philip Hyland, Rebecca Maguire, Mark Shevlin, Daniel Boduszek
Rectifying Misconceptions: A Comprehensive Response to “Some Concerns About the Psychological Implications of Mindfulness: A Critical Analysis”
Frank L. Gardner, Zella E. Moore, Donald R. Marks