Uitgave 4/2024
Inhoudsopgave (17 Artikelen)
Sleep Quality and Hazardous Alcohol Use: Indirect Effects of Coping-Oriented Alcohol Use among Individuals with Probable Posttraumatic Stress and Hazardous Alcohol Use
Nicole A. Short, Kara A. Christensen Pacella, Tanya Smit, Anka A. Vujanovic, Michael J. Zvolensky
Quality of Life among Youth with Misophonia: The Role of Internalizing Symptoms and Pessimism
- Open Access
Minjee Kook, Catherine E. Rast, Matti Cervin, Jane Clinger, Eleanor Smith, Isabel Draper, Nicholas Murphy, Marijn Lijffijt, Sophie Schneider, Mered S. Parnes, Caitlin Pinciotti, Wayne K. Goodman, Eric A. Storch, Andrew G. Guzick
Longitudinal Association of Adolescent ADHD Symptoms in the Trajectory of Maternal Depression Symptoms
Nellie A. Shippen, Julia W. Felton, Anne E. Stevens, Meisa Khaireddin, Carl W. Lejuez, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Michael C. Meinzer
Longitudinal Association Between School Climate and Psychological Flexibility and Mental Health: A Random Intercept Cross Lagged Panel Model
Dongyan Ding, Mengdie Pan, Qi Tang, Jing Zhang
Social Anxiety is Related to Worse Recognition Memory of Angry Faces
- Open Access
Ashley E. Keith, Hannah C. Hamrick, Matt R. Judah, Darya Zabelina
Parental Sensory Processing Sensitivity Predicts Children’s Visual Scanning Pattern of Emotional Faces
Antonios I. Christou, Kostas Fanti, Ioannis Mavrommatis, Georgia Soursou, Eleni Eliadi
The Structure of Experiential Avoidance and External Validity: An Investigation of the Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire
Mengxing Baldour-Wang, Roman Kotov, Wakiza Gámez, Michael Chmielewski, Camilo J. Ruggero, Nicholas R. Eaton
Breathing “Real Life” into Social Problem-Solving Assessment: The Added Value of a Comprehensive Self-Monitoring Measure
Rachel L. Grover, Caroline Kelberman, Douglas W. Nangle
Risk Profiles Among College Students: Associations with Pathological Personality Traits and Mental Health Issues
Nicole L. Hayes, Monica A. Marsee, Daniel W. Russell
Factor Structure and the Psychometric Properties of an Arabic Version of the Light Triad Scale
Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Eman Imad AlTabbaa
The Psychometric Properties of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) Somatic Complaints (SOM) Scale
Mary U. Simons, Brooke E. Magnus, Lindsay D. Nelson, Morgan E. Nitta, James B. Hoelzle
Shame, Guilt, and Pride Moderate the Relationship between Social Appearance Anxiety and Eating Disorder Symptoms
Luis E. Sandoval-Araujo, Jamie-Lee Pennesi, Cheri A. Levinson
Imagining Letting Go: a Preliminary Test of Written Imagery Rescripting to Facilitate Discarding in a High Hoarding Sample
- Open Access
Isaac Sabel, Keong Yap, Jessica R. Grisham
Romanian Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (BERQ-RO)
- Open Access
Andreea Ursu, María Priego-Ojeda, Cristian Opariuc-Dan
Exploring Patterns of Eccentricity: Insights from Network Analysis of Schizotypy in Students
Radomir Belopavlović, Ivana Novakov, Zdenka Novović
Correction: Exploring Patterns of Eccentricity: Insights from Network Analysis of Schizotypy in Students
- Correction
Radomir Belopavlović, Ivana Novakov, Zdenka Novović