Uitgave 4/2008
Inhoudsopgave (10 Artikelen)
Measuring Experiential Avoidance: Reliability and Validity of the Dutch 9-item Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ)
- Open Access
Paul A. Boelen, Albert Reijntjes
A Comparison of the Factorial Structure of DSM-IV Criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Between Younger and Older Adults
Roberto Nuevo, Miguel A. Ruiz, María Izal, Ignacio Montorio, Andrés Losada, María Márquez-González
The Structure of Self-Consciousness in Children and Young Adolescents and Relations to Social Anxiety
Charmaine K. Higa, Lisa K. Phillips, Bruce F. Chorpita, Eric L. Daleiden
Prediction of Cannabis Use Disorder Between Childhood and Young Adulthood Using the Child Behavior Checklist
Ralph E. Tarter, Levent Kirisci, Ty Ridenour, Michael Vanyukov
Exploring Child and Parent Factors in the Diagnostic Agreement on the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule
Lena Reuterskiöld, Lars-Göran Öst, Thomas Ollendick
Low Attentional Control and the Development of Intrusive Memories Following a Laboratory Stressor
- Open Access
Johan Verwoerd, Peter J. de Jong, Ineke Wessel
Adolescent Conduct Problems and Bulimic Tendencies: Study of an Emotional Distress Hypothesis
Bryan R. Loney, Stevie N. Fowler, Thomas E. Joiner