Uitgave 3/2024
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
- Open Access
The Mediating and Moderating Role of Sensation-Seeking in the Association between Resting Heart Rate and Antisocial Behavior
Sofi Oskarsson, Adrian Raine, Laura Baker
Ambivalence Predicts Schizotypic Symptoms and Impairment in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Methodology Study
Laura M. Hernández, Kathryn C. Kemp, Neus Barrantes-Vidal, Thomas R. Kwapil
Examining Concordance Between the Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Adult and the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV in a Sample of Adults Referred for ADHD
Anthony D. Robinson, John-Christopher A. Finley, Matthew S. Phillips, Devin M. Ulrich, Brian M. Cerny, Gabriel P. Ovsiew, Neil H. Pliskin, Jason R. Soble
Training Gains and Losses: Their Link with Treatment Effects of Attention Bias Modification for Anxiety
Yue Li, Hyein Cho, Jennifer L. de Rutte, Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary
Within-Person Variation in Negative Urgency Predicts Near-Term Interpersonal Stress
Christopher C. Conway, Gabrielle S. Ilagan, Reed M. Morgan, Fiona Joffroy
The Youth Sheehan Disability Scale: A Psychometric Evaluation
Maria C. DiFonte, Kimberly S. Sain, David F. Tolin
- Open Access
Psychometric Evaluation of the Metacognitions Questionnaire – Short Form (MCQ-30) in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Reliability, Validity and Utility in a Clinical Sample
Julia A. White, Ronald M. Rapee, Lexine A. Stapinski, Maree J. Abbott
Clinician Sentiments Related to Implementation of Evidence-Based Treatment for Hoarding in Older Adults
Caitlyn A. Nix, Mary E. Dozier, Ben Porter, Catherine R. Ayers
- Open Access
Changes in Personality Functioning and Pathological Personality Traits as a Function of Treatment: A Feasibility Study
Lennart Kiel, Christopher J. Hopwood, Majse Lind
Evaluation of the Modified Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Children: Exploring Psychometrics of a More Inclusive Measure
Katelyn M. Garcia, Corinne N. Carlton, Cheyenne Williams, Rosanna Breaux, Thomas H. Ollendick
Validation of the French Versions of the Context-Sensitivity Index (CSI) and the Flexible Regulation of Emotional Expression Scale (FREE)
Carla Nardelli, Marine Paucsik, Luisa Weiner, George A. Bonanno, Catherine Bortolon
Body Appreciation Protects Against Proximal Self-Harm Urges in a Clinical Sample of Adults
Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, Ross Jacobucci, Brooke A. Ammerman
Feeling, Caring, Knowing Revisited: Three Components of Empathy and Psychopathic and Autistic Traits
Kristopher J. Brazil, Stephanie Kurganov, Mackenzie Moore, Adelle E. Forth
Intolerance of Uncertainty on Distress and Impairment: The Mediating Role of Repetitive Negative Thinking
Kerry C. Kelso, Daniel F. Gros
- Open Access
Psychometric Properties of the Reflective Function Questionnaire for Youth Five-Item Version in Adolescents with Restrictive Eating Disorders
Tom Jewell, Veronica McLaren, Carla Sharp
The Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-FAST): Another Examination of Concurrent Validity
David Detullio, Brandi Diaz, Tom Kennedy
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Disorder Criteria Associated with Diagnostic Persistence Across Time
Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp, Amy M. Brausch, Taylor Kalgren
- Open Access
Improved Scoring of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale – Revised: An Item Response Theory Analysis
Christian A. L. Bean, Sophia B. Mueller, George Abitante, Jeffrey A. Ciesla, Sun-Joo Cho, David A. Cole
Psychometric Properties of the Brief Problem Monitor-parent Form in Community and Clinical Samples of Brazilian Children
Tally Lichtensztejn Tafla, Rafael Augusto Damasceno Pires, Marina Monzani da Rocha, Juliana Dalla Martha Rodriguez, Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro, Gustavo Henrique Martins, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira
Malignant Narcissism, the Dark Tetrad, and Paranoia: A Comparative Study Using Relative Importance Analyses
Jonathan Faucher, Dominick Gamache
A Network Analysis of GAD, MDD, and OCD: Symptom Overlap and Shared Risk/Maintenance Factors
Lauren Milgram, Kiara R. Timpano
Testing the DSM-5 New Items and Algorithm Change for the Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Jenna G. Sims, Michael S. Scheeringa, Amy J. Mikolajewski
- Open Access
BDI-II: Self-Report and Interview-based Administration Yield the Same Results in Young Adults
Jaroslav Gottfried, Edita Chvojka, Adam Klocek, Tomas Kratochvil, Petr Palíšek, Martin Tancoš
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome (Formerly Sluggish Cognitive Tempo) and Comorbid Symptoms in Child Autism, ADHD, and Elementary School Samples
Susan D. Mayes, Susan L. Calhoun, Rachel Kallus, Raman Baweja, Daniel A. Waschbusch