Uitgave 1/2001
Inhoudsopgave (9 Artikelen)
The Relationship of Functional Variables and Psychopathology to Aggressive Behavior in Persons With Severe and Profound Mental Retardation
Johnny L. Matson, Erik A. Mayville
Psychopathic Personality Traits and Somatization: Sex Differences and the Mediating Role of Negative Emotionality
Scott O. Lilienfeld, Tanya H. Hess
Dimensions of Anxiety Sensitivity and Their Relationship to Nonclinical Panic
Brett J. Deacon, David P. Valentiner
The Relative Specificity of Excessive Reassurance-Seeking to Depressive Symptoms and Diagnoses Among Clinical Samples of Adults and Youth
Thomas E. Joiner, Gerald I. Metalsky, Faruk Gencoz, Tulin Gencoz
Qualitative and Quantitative Shifts in Adolescent Problem Behavior Development: A Cohort-Sequential Multivariate Latent Growth Modeling Approach
Susan C. Duncan, Terry E. Duncan, Lisa A. Strycker
Psychometric Properties of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents, the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, and the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale in an Adolescent Spanish-Speaking Sample
Luis Joaquín García-López, José Olivares, María Dolores Hidalgo, Deborah C. Beidel, Samuel M. Turner
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Depression–Anxiety–Stress Scales in Depressed and Anxious Patients
Ian P. Clara, Brian J. Cox, Murray W. Enns
Negative-Feedback Seeking Leads to Depressive Symptom Increases Under Conditions of Stress
Jeremy Pettit, Thomas E. Joiner