Uitgave 1/2016
Inhoudsopgave (48 Artikelen)
Patient and clinician views on the quality of foot health care for rheumatoid arthritis outpatients: a mixed methods service evaluation
- Open Access
- Research
Savia de Souza, Ruth Williams, Heidi Lempp
Total contact cast wall load in patients with a plantar forefoot ulcer and diabetes
- Open Access
- Research
Lindy Begg, Patrick McLaughlin, Mauro Vicaretti, John Fletcher, Joshua Burns
The relationship of foot and ankle mobility to the frontal plane projection angle in asymptomatic adults
- Open Access
- Research
Narelle Wyndow, Amy De Jong, Krystal Rial, Kylie Tucker, Natalie Collins, Bill Vicenzino, Trevor Russell, Kay Crossley
The reproducibility of acquiring three dimensional gait and plantar pressure data using established protocols in participants with and without type 2 diabetes and foot ulcers
- Open Access
- Research
Malindu Fernando, Robert G Crowther, Margaret Cunningham, Peter A Lazzarini, Kunwarjit S Sangla, Petra Buttner, Jonathan Golledge
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research reviewer acknowledgement 2015
- Open Access
- Reviewer acknowledgement
Alan Borthwick, Hylton Menz
Characteristics of non-diabetic foot ulcers in Western Sydney, Australia
- Open Access
- Research
Norafizah Haji Zaine, Kerry Hitos, Mauro Vicaretti, John P. Fletcher, Lindy Begg, Joshua Burns
The feasibility of a modified shoe for multi-segment foot motion analysis: a preliminary study
- Open Access
- Research
J. Halstead, A. M. Keenan, G. J. Chapman, A. C. Redmond
Gait and Lower Limb Observation of Paediatrics (GALLOP): development of a consensus based paediatric podiatry and physiotherapy standardised recording proforma
- Open Access
- Research
Simone Cranage, Helen Banwell, Cylie M. Williams
Cutaneous stimulation at the ankle: a differential effect on proprioceptive postural control according to the participants’ preferred sensory strategy
- Open Access
- Research
Sébastien Pavailler, Frédérique Hintzy, Nicolas Horvais, Nicolas Forestier
Patterns of foot complaints in systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross sectional survey
- Open Access
- Research
Simon J. Otter, Sunil Kumar, Peter Gow, Nicola Dalbeth, Michael Corkill, Maheswaran Rohan, Kevin A. Davies, Sam Pankathelam, Keith Rome
‘Trial and error…’, ‘…happy patients’ and ‘…an old toy in the cupboard’: a qualitative investigation of factors that influence practitioners in their prescription of foot orthoses
- Open Access
- Research
Anita Ellen Williams, Ana Martinez-Santos, Jane McAdam, Christopher James Nester
Foot health education provision for people with rheumatoid arthritis–an online survey of UK podiatrists’ perceptions
- Open Access
- Research
Andrea S Graham, Anita E Williams
The relationship between foot posture, body mass, age and ankle, lower-limb and whole-body flexibility in healthy children aged 7 to 15 years
- Open Access
- Research
Fiona Hawke, Keith Rome, Angela Margaret Evans
Spatiotemporal gait parameters and plantar pressure distribution during barefoot walking in people with gout and asymptomatic hyperuricemia: comparison with healthy individuals with normal serum urate concentrations
- Open Access
- Research
Sarah Stewart, Nicola Dalbeth, Alain C. Vandal, Keith Rome
Non-surgical treatment of hallux valgus: a current practice survey of Australian podiatrists
- Open Access
- Research
Sheree E. Hurn, Bill T. Vicenzino, Michelle D. Smith
If the shoe fits: development of an on-line tool to aid practitioner/patient discussions about ‘healthy footwear’
- Open Access
- Research
Lisa Farndon, Victoria Robinson, Emily Nicholls, Wesley Vernon
An investigation to assess ankle mobility in healthy individuals from the application of multi-component compression bandages and compression hosiery
- Open Access
- Research
Leanne Atkin, John Stephenson, Grace Parfitt, Sarah Reel, Karen Ousey, Brandon Fallon
The Glasgow-Maastricht foot model, evaluation of a 26 segment kinematic model of the foot
- Open Access
- Research
Michiel Oosterwaal, Sylvain Carbes, Scott Telfer, James Woodburn, Søren Tørholm, Amir A. Al-Munajjed, Lodewijk van Rhijn, Kenneth Meijer
Interpreting outcome following foot surgery in people with rheumatoid arthritis
- Open Access
- Research
Michael R. Backhouse, Karen A. Vinall-Collier, Anthony C. Redmond, Philip S. Helliwell, Anne-Maree Keenan
Implementation of blinded outcome assessment in the Effective Verruca Treatments trial (EverT) – lessons learned
- Open Access
- Research
Sarah Cockayne, Catherine Hewitt, Farina Hashmi, Kate Hicks, Michael Concannon, Caroline McIntosh, Kim Thomas, Jill Hall, Judith Watson, David Torgerson, Ian Watt
Effects of custom-made textile insoles on plantar pressure distribution and lower limb EMG activity during turning
- Open Access
- Research
W. T. Lo, D. P. Wong, K. L. Yick, S. P. Ng, J. Yip
Predictors of foot pain in the community: the North West Adelaide health study
- Open Access
- Research
Tiffany K. Gill, Hylton B. Menz, Karl B. Landorf, John B. Arnold, Anne W. Taylor, Catherine L. Hill
Establishing normative foot posture index values for the paediatric population: a cross-sectional study
- Open Access
- Research
Gabriel Gijon-Nogueron, Jesus Montes-Alguacil, Pilar Alfageme-Garcia, Jose Antonio Cervera-Marin, Jose Miguel Morales-Asencio, Alfonso Martinez-Nova
Effectiveness of percutaneous flexor tenotomies for the management and prevention of recurrence of diabetic toe ulcers: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Review
Jennifer E. Scott, Gordon J. Hendry, John Locke
Improving rural and remote practitioners’ knowledge of the diabetic foot: findings from an educational intervention
- Open Access
- Research
Deborah E. Schoen, Kaniz Gausia, David G. Glance, Sandra C. Thompson
A pilot investigation of the prevalence of US-detectable forefoot joint pathology and reported foot-related disability in participants with systemic lupus erythematosus
- Open Access
- Research
Sandeep Mukherjee, Lindsey Cherry, Jalaa Zarroug, David Culliford, Catherine Bowen, Nigel Arden, Christopher Edwards
Erratum to: Cost-effectiveness of clostridial collagenase ointment on wound closure in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: economic analysis of results from a multicenter, randomized, open-label trial
- Open Access
- Erratum
Travis A. Motley, Adrienne M. Gilligan, Darrell L. Lange, Curtis R. Waycaster, Jaime E. Dickerson Jr
Footwear characteristics in people with inflammatory arthritis in Singapore
- Open Access
- Research
K. Carter, M. Lahiri, P. P. Cheung, A. Santosa, K. Rome
Quantitative ultrasound imaging of Achilles tendon integrity in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals: reliability and minimal detectable change
- Open Access
- Research
Marie-Josée Nadeau, Amélie Desrochers, Martin Lamontagne, Christian Larivière, Dany H. Gagnon
Clinical practice guidelines for the foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis: a critical appraisal
- Open Access
- Research
Kym Hennessy, James Woodburn, Martijn Steultjens
Metatarsophalangeal joint stability: a systematic review on the plantar plate of the lesser toes
- Open Access
- Review
Nico M. G. Maas, Margot van der Grinten, Wichor M. Bramer, Gert-Jan Kleinrensink
The influence of insoles with a peroneal pressure point on the electromyographic activity of tibialis anterior and peroneus longus during gait
- Open Access
- Research
Oliver Ludwig, Jens Kelm, Michael Fröhlich
The evaluation of off-loading using a new removable oRTHOsis in DIABetic foot (ORTHODIAB) randomized controlled trial: study design and rationale
- Open Access
- Study protocol
Kamel Mohammedi, Louis Potier, Maud François, Dured Dardari, Marilyne Feron, Estelle Nobecourt-Dupuy, Manuel Dolz, Roxane Ducloux, Abdelkader Chibani, Dominique-François Eveno, Teresa Crea Avila, Ariane Sultan, Laurence Baillet-Blanco, Vincent Rigalleau, Gilberto Velho, Florence Tubach, Ronan Roussel, Jean-Claude Dupré, Dominique Malgrange, Michel Marre
Can positional MRI predict dynamic changes in the medial plantar arch? An exploratory pilot study
- Open Access
- Research
Finn Johannsen, Philip Hansen, Sandra Stallknecht, Michael Skovdal Rathleff, Stine Hangaard, Janus Damm Nybing, Mikael Boesen
The effects of being habitually barefoot on foot mechanics and motor performance in children and adolescents aged 6–18 years: study protocol for a multicenter cross-sectional study (Barefoot LIFE project)
- Open Access
- Study protocol
Karsten Hollander, Babette C. van der Zwaard, Johanna Elsabe de Villiers, Klaus-Michael Braumann, Ranel Venter, Astrid Zech
Prevalence of foot problems in people with inflammatory arthritis in Singapore
- Open Access
- Research
K. Carter, M. Lahiri, P. P. Cheung, A. Santosa, K. Rome
Ultrasonographic examination of plantar fasciitis: a comparison of patient positions during examination
- Open Access
- Research
Jae Hoon Ahn, Choong Woo Lee, ChanJoo Park, Yoon-Chung Kim
A survey exploring self-reported indoor and outdoor footwear habits, foot problems and fall status in people with stroke and Parkinson’s
- Open Access
- Research
Catherine Bowen, Ann Ashburn, Mark Cole, Margaret Donovan-Hall, Malcolm Burnett, Judy Robison, Louis Mamode, Ruth Pickering, Dan Bader, Dorit Kunkel
Getting the right balance: insole design alters the static balance of people with diabetes and neuropathy
- Open Access
- Research
Joanne Paton, Sam Glasser, Richard Collings, Jon Marsden
A novel method of measuring passive quasi-stiffness in the first metatarsophalangeal joint
- Open Access
- Methodology
Marabelle L. Heng, Yaohui K. Chua, Hong K. Pek, Priathashini Krishnasamy, Pui W. Kong
Walk for life - the National Clubfoot Project of Bangladesh: the four-year outcomes of 150 congenital clubfoot cases following Ponseti method
- Open Access
- Research
Angela Margaret Evans, Mohommad Mamun Hossen Chowdhury, Mohommad Humayun Kabir, Md Fashiur Rahman
3D strength surfaces for ankle plantar- and dorsi-flexion in healthy adults: an isometric and isokinetic dynamometry study
- Open Access
- Research
Sara J. Hussain, Laura Frey-Law
The effect of foot orthoses with forefoot cushioning or metatarsal pad on forefoot peak plantar pressure in running
- Open Access
- Research
Michaela Hähni, Anja Hirschmüller, Heiner Baur
Clinical measures of static foot posture do not agree
- Open Access
- Research
Ben Langley, Mary Cramp, Stewart C. Morrison
The relationship between foot posture index, ankle equinus, body mass index and intermetatarsal neuroma
- Open Access
- Research
Reza Naraghi, Alexandra Bremner, Linda Slack-Smith, Alan Bryant
Facilitating the interpretation of pedobarography: the relative midfoot index as marker for pathologic gait in ankle osteoarthritic and contralateral feet
- Open Access
- Research
Frigg Arno, Frigg Roman, Wiewiorski Martin, Goldoni Jennifer, Horisberger Monika
A targeted screening method for non-invasive vascular assessment of the lower limb
- Open Access
- Research
Peta Ellen Tehan, Vivienne Helaine Chuter
Relationship between patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) and three measures of foot–ankle alignment in patients with metatarsal head pain: a cross-sectional study
- Open Access
- Research
Manuel González-Sánchez, Esther Velasco-Ramos, Maria Ruiz Muñoz, Antonio I Cuesta-Vargas