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Journal of Foot and Ankle Research

Uitgave bijlage 1/2015 The College of Podiatry Annual Conference 2014: meeting abstracts

Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)

CODIFI (Concordance in Diabetic Foot Infection): Agreement in reported presence of likely pathogens in swabs and tissue samples from infected diabetic foot ulcers

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Michael Backhouse, Andrea Nelson, Alexandra Wright-Hughes, Moninder Bhogal, Sarah Brown, Catherine Reynolds, Benjamin Lipsky, Christopher Dowson, Jane Nixon

Taking titles and naming names - who do we really think we are?

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Dawn Bacon

Effect of reduced foot and ankle sensation on postural response to hip abductor/foot everter vibration

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Sam Glasser, Joanne Paton, Richard Collings, Jonathan Marsden

The effect of vision impairment on dynamic balance

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Richard Collings, Joanne Paton, Sam Glasser, Jonathan Marsden

Finding your feet: The development of a podiatry intervention to reduce falls in care home residents

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Gavin Wylie, Zoë Young, Roberta Littleford, Frank Sullivan, Joanne Coyle, Brian Williams, Hylton Menz, Simon Ogston, Jacqui Morris

Diabetic foot ulcer wound fluid: the effects of pH on DFU bacteria and infection

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Carla McArdle, Katie Lagan, Sarah Spence, David McDowell

Population survey of the prevalence, impact and care of foot problems in people with rheumatoid arthritis

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Oonagh Wilson, Sarah Hewlett, Jon Pollock, Jim Woodburn, Enid Quest, Caroline Swales, John Kirwan

Reflecting on the methodological challenge of recruiting older care home residents to podiatry research

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Gavin Wylie, Zoë Young, Roberta Littleford, Frank Sullivan, Brian Williams, Hylton Menz, Simon Ogston, Jacqui Morris

Podiatrists’ perceptions of diabetic foot care services in a Scottish NHS health board area

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Jennifer Scott, Gordon Hendry, Debbie Turner, Stuart Baird, Ruth Barn

Type 2 diabetes education programmes – focusing on patients’ perceptions

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Julie Hastings, Lisa Chandler

A case-controlled study of minimally invasive vs open hallux valgus surgery

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Sarah Curran, Ashok Marudanayagam, Laura Beddard, Anthony Perera

The effect of body mass on performance of the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)

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Daniel Waddington, Jade Warren, David Diep