Uitgave 5/2014
Inhoudsopgave (18 Artikelen)
The Validity of the Massie-Campbell Attachment During Stress Scale (ADS)
- Original Paper
Rodrigo A. Cárcamo, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Harriet J. Vermeer, René van der Veer
Psychometric Properties of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire-Preschool Revision (APQ-Pr) in 3 Year-Old Spanish Preschoolers
- Original Paper
Núria de la Osa, Roser Granero, Eva Penelo, Josep Maria Domènech, Lourdes Ezpeleta
Neighborhood Social Context and Individual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposures Associated with Child Cognitive Test Scores
- Original Paper
Gina S. Lovasi, Nicolia Eldred-Skemp, James W. Quinn, Hsin-wen Chang, Virginia A. Rauh, Andrew Rundle, Manuela A. Orjuela, Frederica P. Perera
Predictors of Positive Outcomes in Offspring of Depressed Parents and Non-depressed Parents Across 20 Years
- Original Paper
R. Eric Lewandowski, Helen Verdeli, Priya Wickramaratne, Virginia Warner, Anthony Mancini, Myrna Weissman
Assessing Parenting Skills and Attitudes: A Review of the Psychometrics of Parenting Measures
- Original Paper
Kristin Duppong Hurley, Jacqueline Huscroft-D’Angelo, Alexandra Trout, Annette Griffith, Michael Epstein
Self-Control and Child Abuse Potential in Mothers with an Abuse History and Their Preschool Children
- Original Paper
Saskia Henschel, Marijn de Bruin, Eva Möhler
Innovations in the Identification and Referral of Mothers at Risk for Depression: Development of a Peer-to-Peer Model
- Original Paper
Mary Acri, S. Serene Olin, Geraldine Burton, Rachel J. Herman, Kimberly E. Hoagwood
From Theory to Practice: One Agency’s Experience with Implementing an Evidence-Based Model
- Original Paper
Maureen Murray, Tom Culver, Elizabeth Farmer, Leslie Ann Jackson, Brian Rixon
Work Family Conflict Among Parents of Atypically Developing Children: Exploring the Impact of Worker, Work, and Child Factors
- Original Paper
Theresa J. Brown
Does d-Cycloserine Augmentation of CBT Improve Therapeutic Homework Compliance for Pediatric Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder?
- Original Paper
Jennifer M. Park, Brent J. Small, Daniel A. Geller, Tanya K. Murphy, Adam B. Lewin, Eric A. Storch
Help Me Play! Parental Behaviors, Child Temperament, and Preschool Peer Play
- Original Paper
Sandra Glover Gagnon, Timothy J. Huelsman, Anna E. Reichard, Pamela Kidder-Ashley, Marissa Swaim Griggs, Jessica Struby, Jennie Bollinger
Evaluation of a Parental Behavior Scale in a Peruvian Context
- Original Paper
Denisse L. Manrique Millones, Pol Ghesquière, Karla Van Leeuwen
Youth with Oppositional Defiant Disorder at Entry into Home-Based Treatment, Foster Care, and Residential Treatment
- Original Paper
Crystal Cederna-Meko, Steven M. Koch, Jacqueline Remondet Wall
The Relationship Between Male-Perpetrated Interparental Aggression, Paternal Characteristics, and Child Psychosocial Functioning
- Original Paper
Jeniimarie Febres, Ryan C. Shorey, Heather C. Zucosky, Hope Brasfield, Michael Vitulano, JoAnna Elmquist, Andrew Ninnemann, Lindsay Labrecque, Gregory L. Stuart
Assessing the Quality of the Parent–Child Relationship: Validity and Reliability of the Child–Parent Relationship Test (ChiP-C)
- Original Paper
Karl Titze, Sarah Schenck, Marina Zulauf Logoz, Ulrike Lehmkuhl
Conscious Parenting: A Qualitative Study on Swedish Parents’ Motives to Participate in a Parenting Program
- Original Paper
Johanna Rahmqvist, Michael B. Wells, Anna Sarkadi
Marcie Yeager and Daniel Yeager: Executive Function & Child Development
- Book Review
Joshua C. Felver
Erratum to: The Disability Paradox Revisited: Quality of Life and Family Caregiving in Pediatric Cerebral Palsy
- Erratum
Carlos Carona, Marco Pereira, Helena Moreira, Neuza Silva, Maria Cristina Canavarro