Uitgave 4/2023
Inhoudsopgave (20 Artikelen)
- Open Access
- Original Paper
The Perceived Value of a Universal Early Learning Program: A Parent Perspective
Jessie-Lee D. McIsaac, Marla E. Smith, Joan Turner, Christine McLean, Mary Jane Harkins
- Original Paper
Determinants of Preschool Choice: Understanding How Middle-income Parents Choose Kindergartens in Shanghai
Beibei Zhang, Yu Zhou, Yong Jiang, Chuchu Zheng, Hui Li, Sufen Lan
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Early Child-care Arrangements and Both Parents’ Subjective Well-being
Valérie-Anne Ryser, Marieke Heers
- Original Paper
“Don’t Bring Work Home”: How Career Orientation Moderates Permeable Parenting Boundaries in Dual-earner Couples
Marisa Matias, Tiago Ferreira, Paula Mena Matos
- Original Paper
Early Maternal Employment And Children’s School Readiness: Changing Associations Over Time?
Caitlin McPherran Lombardi
- Original Paper
Employed Parents of Children with Typical and Exceptional Care Responsibilities: Family Demands and Workplace Supports
Lisa M. Stewart, Claudia Sellmaier, Ana Maria Brannan, Eileen M. Brennan
- Original Paper
How Work-Family Guilt, Involvement with Children and Spouse’s Support Influence Parents’ Life Satisfaction in a Context of Work-Family Conflict
Annie Foucreault, Julie Ménard, Nathalie Houlfort, Sarah-Geneviève Trépanier, Geneviève L. Lavigne
- Original Paper
Risk and Protective Factors for Work-Family Conflict among Female Military Spouses
Yangjin Park, Molly Shea, Kathrine Sullivan, Julie C. Merrill, Kristina Clarke-Walper, Lyndon A. Riviere
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Trajectories of Change in Parental Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation from Pregnancy until 4 Years Postpartum
Jolien F. Grolleman, Carolien Gravesteijn, Peter J. Hoffenaar
- Original Paper
Parents’ Home-Safety Practices to Prevent Injuries During Infancy: From Sitting to Walking Independently
Lindsay Bryant, Barbara A. Morrongiello, Amanda Cox
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Self-Esteem, Socially Prescribed Perfectionism, and Parental Burnout
Mirjam Raudasoja, Matilda Sorkkila, Kaisa Aunola
- Open Access
- Original Paper
On the Attribution of Parental Competence: Parents’ Behavior Matters, not Their Sexual Orientation
Dirk Kranz
- Original Paper
Parenting Self-Efficacy and Internalizing/Externalizing Problems: Child Age as a Moderator
Elizabeth A. Bodalski, W. Joshua Bradley, Emily Neger, Dexin Shi, Rachel Bridges, Kate Flory
- Original Paper
How Does Parenthood Moderate Paths Between Personal and Community Resources and Distress following Collective Trauma?
Lea Zanbar, Rachel Dekel, Navit Ben-Tzur, Krzysztof Kaniasty, Chaya Possick
- Original Paper
Typological Classification of Adolescents Who Drop out of School in Rural China: Evidence from Hainan Province
Yongtao Gan, Ju Guo
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Sex Differences and Similarities in Risk Factors of Physical Aggression in Adolescence
Marit Henriksen, Marit Skrove, Gry Børmark Hoftun, Stian Lydersen, Carla Stover, Carla B. Kalvin, Denis G. Sukhodolsky
- Original Paper
Cigarette Smoking in Male High School Students in Myanmar: Developmental Differences in Risk and Promotive Factors
Wendy Kliewer, Rina Lecaj, Nanda M. Wan
- Original Paper
Loneliness Profiles in Adolescence: Associations with Sex and Social Adjustment to the Peer Group
Olívia Ribeiro, Miguel Freitas, Kenneth H. Rubin, António J. Santos
- Original Paper
How Perceived Detrimental Parenting Relates to Adolescents’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values
Jeanne Tessier, Mireille Joussemet, Vanessa Kurdi, Geneviève A. Mageau
- Original Paper
Influence of Parenting Styles on Willingness to Use Marijuana among Rural and Urban Costa Rican Adolescents
Rafael Monge-Rojas, Benjamín Reyes-Fernández, Vanessa Smith-Castro