Uitgave 4/2010
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Initial Validation of the Children’s Worry Management Scale
Janice Lillian Zeman, Michael Cassano, Cynthia Suveg, Kimberly Shipman
Enhancing and Adapting Treatment Foster Care: Lessons Learned in Trying to Change Practice
Maureen M. Murray, Dannia Southerland, Elizabeth M. Farmer, Kess Ballentine
- Original Paper
The Relation of Exposure to Parental Criminal Activity, Arrest, and Sentencing to Children’s Maladjustment
Danielle H. Dallaire, Laura C. Wilson
- Original Paper
A Clinical Model in Action in Intensive Residential Treatment: Meeting the Needs of Adolescent Boys who have Experienced Domestic Violence
Janet Stewart, Nick Todd, Cameron Kopeck
- Original Paper
Socialization of Children’s Recall and Use of Strategies for Coping with Interparental Conflict
Paul A. Miller, Wendy Kliewer, Jenifer Partch
- Original Paper
Profiles of Identity Exploration and Commitment Across Domains
Karin Bartoszuk, Joe F. Pittman
- Original Paper
School Context and the Problem Behavior and Social Skills of Students with Emotional Disturbance
Andrew L. Wiley, Gary N. Siperstein, Steven R. Forness, Frederick J. Brigham
- Original Paper
The Application of Behavior Change Theory to Family-Based Services: Improving Parent Empowerment in Children’s Mental Health
S. Serene Olin, Kimberly E. Hoagwood, James Rodriguez, Belinda Ramos, Geraldine Burton, Marlene Penn, Maura Crowe, Marleen Radigan, Peter S. Jensen
- Original Paper
Adolescents’ Social Reasoning About Relational Aggression
Sara E. Goldstein, Marie S. Tisak
- Original Paper
Predictors of Criminal Charges for Youth in Public Mental Health During the Transition to Adulthood
M. D. Pullmann
- Original Paper
Intrapersonal and Ecodevelopmental Factors Associated with Smoking in Hispanic Adolescents
Barbara Lopez, Shi Huang, Wei Wang, Guillermo Prado, C. Hendricks Brown, Guang Zeng, Kathryn Flavin, Hilda Pantin
- Original Paper
Psychometric Validation of the Preschool Outcome Questionnaire: A Preschool Treatment Outcome Instrument
David H. Barker, Thad Q. Lloyd, Peter K. Stewart, M. Gawain Wells
- Original Paper
The Impact of Child Symptom Severity on Stress Among Parents of Children with ASD: The Moderating Role of Coping Styles
Amy M. Lyons, Scott C. Leon, Carolyn E. Roecker Phelps, Alison M. Dunleavy
- Original Paper
Risk Profiles of Children Entering Residential Care: A Cluster Analysis
Jessica L. Hagaman, Alexandra L. Trout, M. Beth Chmelka, Ronald W. Thompson, Robert Reid
- Book Review
Les B. Whitbeck: Mental Health and Emerging Adulthood among Homeless Young People
D. B. Reid