Uitgave 3/2023
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
Relationship between Parent-Child Relationships and Peer Victimization: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-esteem and Resilience
- Original Paper
Pingyan Zhou, Jinqi Dong, Jian Liu, Yunyun Zhang, Ping Ren, Tao Xin, Zhe Wang
Moderating the Association Between Overparenting and Mental Health: Open Family Communication and Emerging Adult Children’s Trait Autonomy
- Original Paper
Jian Jiao, Chris Segrin
Challenging Parenting Behaviour and Anxiety Disorders in Emerging Adulthood
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Evie Wai Ting Chan, Kelly Tsz Ching Wong, Laura H. Clark
Parenting Styles, Family Characteristics, and Teacher-Reported Behavioral Outcomes in Kindergarten
- Original Paper
Anna Cecilia McWhirter, Laura Lee McIntyre, Derek B. Kosty, Elizabeth Stormshak
Maternal Education and Children’s School Achievement: The Roles of Values, Parenting, and Behavior Regulation
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Mirjam Weis, Gisela Trommsdorff, Lorena Muñoz, Roberto González
Parenting Practices and Rural Chinese Children’s Self-control and Problem Behaviors: A Comparison of Left-behind and Non-left-behind Children
- Original Paper
Rui-ping Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Nan Xiao, Ping Ren, Xi-ying Li
Parenting Processes Mediate the Link Between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Adolescent Psychopathology
- Original Paper
Kristina M. Reigstad, Kristine Marceau, Meredith L. Gunlicks-Stoessel, Adrienne A. VanZomeren, Ana Westervelt, Ann E. Brand, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, Paul D. Hastings, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan
Associations Between Parenting Behavior and Positive and Negative Affect in Elementary Age Children
- Original Paper
Kelsea M. Visalli, Patrick Pössel, Allison D. Blackburn, Jill L. Adelson
Self-Acceptance Mediates the Relationship between Perceived Parenting Behaviors and Fears of Compassion
- Original Paper
Jingyun Wang, Mingchun Guo, Jamin Day, James N. Kirby
Maternal and Paternal Psychological Distress and Child Behavior in Japan
- Original Paper
Jared M. Poff, Jonathan A. Jarvis, Kevin Shafer, Mikaela J. Dufur
The Interaction Between Adolescent Cyber Dating Abuse and Parenting on Mental Health Outcomes
- Original Paper
Morgan Lancaster Strickland, Hayley Love, Jonathan Kimmes
Parents’ Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Teacher Practices and Elementary Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being
- Original Paper
Aijah K. B. Goodwin, Anna C. J. Long
Household Social Needs, Emotional Functioning, and Stress in Low-Income Latinx Children and their Mothers
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Victoria F. Keeton, Janice F. Bell, Christiana Drake, Erik O. Fernandez y. Garcia, Matthew Pantell, Danielle Hessler, Holly Wing, Patricia P. Silveira, Kieran J. O’ Donnell, Euclides José de Mendonça Filho, Michael J. Meaney, Laura M. Gottlieb
Parents’ Orientation to Emotion, Children’s Emotion Regulation and Internalizing Behavior: A Longitudinal Mediation Model
- Original Paper
Sisi Tao, Eva Y. H. Lau, Haocai Hong
Supportive Emotion Socialization Mitigates Risk Between Maternal Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Preschooler Emotion Regulation
- Original Paper
Angela H. Lee, Jacqueline R. O’Brien, Grace Binion, Jennifer K. Lewis, Maureen Zalewski
Shyness and Socio-Emotional Adjustment in Early Childhood in Mainland China: Exploring the Roles of Maternal Parenting Practices and Beliefs about Shyness
- Original Paper
Bowen Xiao, Li Zhu, Xiaoxue Kong, Yan Li, Robert J. Coplan
Associations between Family Functioning, Emotion Regulation, Social Support, and Self-injury among Emerging Adult University Students
- Original Paper
Mark E. Boyes, Mechelle A. Mah, Penelope Hasking
Emotion Regulation among Parents Raising a Child with Disability: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model
- Review
Mor Keleynikov, Joy Benatov, Noga Cohen
Mothers’ Attachment Style Predicts Response to Child Distress: The Role of Maternal Emotions and Attributions
- Original Paper
Jacquelyn T. Gross, Jessica A. Stern, Bonnie E. Brett, Megan H. Fitter, Jude Cassidy
Anxiety in Autistic Youth: Understanding the Impact on Child, Caregiver, and Family Quality of Life
- Original Paper
Stephanie J. Howe, Jessica Baraskewich, Carly A. McMorris
Coping Strategies and the Marital Relationship Among Parents Raising Children with ASD
- Original Paper
Marie Brien-Bérard, Catherine des Rivières-Pigeon
Family Experiences with the Autism Developmental Evaluation Process: Perspectives of Immigrant and US-Born Mothers
- Original Paper
Deniz Kizildag, Jenna Sandler Eilenberg, Ariel Blakey, Nicole Cardona, Emily Feinberg, Sarabeth Broger-Fingert, Kristin A. Long
Perspectives of Autistic Emerging Adults, Parents, and Practitioners on the Transition to Adulthood
- Original Paper
Heekyung Lee, Gloria K. Lee, Jina Chun, Hung-Jen Kuo, Sarah L. Curtiss, Christiana Okyere
Experiences of Parents of Children with ASD: Implications for Inclusive Parental Engagement
- Original Paper
Bilal Urkmez, Serafettin Gedik, Mehmet Guzen
Mothers’ Perceptions of the Sibling Relationship When One Child has Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Jesseca Perlman, Nina Howe