Uitgave 3/2002
Inhoudsopgave (10 Artikelen)
Putting Parenting in Perspective: A Discussion of the Contextual Factors That Shape Parenting Practices
Beth A. Kotchick, Rex Forehand
Do Problems of Clinic-Referred African-American Children Overlap with the Child Behavior Checklist?
Michael Canute Lambert, George T. Rowan, Mikhail Lyubansky, Chad M. Russ
Maternal Identity Among Motherless Mothers and Psychological Symptoms in Their Firstborn Children
Gina C. Mireault, Toni Thomas, Kimberly Bearor
From Mental Health to Juvenile Justice: What Factors Predict This Transition?
Michelle A. Scott, Lonnie Snowden, Anne M. Libby
Inner-City Children Living with an HIV-Seropositive Mother: Parent–Child Relationships, Perception of Social Support, and Psychological Disturbance
Susan A. Reyland, Thomas J. McMahon, Ann Higgins-Delessandro, Suniya S. Luthar
Family Stress and Children's Rejection by Peers: Do Siblings Provide a Buffer?
Rebecca L. Lockwood, Noni K. Gaylord, Katherine M. Kitzmann, Robert Cohen
Predicting Resource Utilization by Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance and Their Families
Cary E. Jenson, Winston Turner, Sue Amero, Anne Johnson, Gail Werrbach