Uitgave 1/2021
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
The Development and Feasibility of a Manualised Therapeutic Playgroup for Children with Developmental Delay
Jodie Armstrong, Bridget Pieterse, Catherine Elliott, John Wray, Emma Davidson, Joanne Mizen, Sonya Girdler
Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects of PMTO in Foster Care: A Latent Profile Transition Analysis
Yueqi Yan, Susan De Luca
From Presence to Participation: Engagement with an SMS Program for Fathers of Children on the Autism Spectrum
Chris D. May, Jennifer M. St George, Shelly Lane
Preliminary Real-World Evaluation of an Intervention for Parents of Adolescents: The Open Door Approach to Parenting Teenagers (APT)
Alex Desatnik, Charlotte Jarvis, Nisha Hickin, Lara Taylor, David Trevatt, Pia Tohme, Nicolas Lorenzini
ADHD Symptoms do not Moderate Outcomes to Behavioral Parent Training Delivered in the Voluntary Sector
Christoffer Scavenius, Anil Chacko, E. Parham Horn
Psychosocial Interventions for Children With Externalized Behavior Problems: An Updated Meta-analysis of Moderator Effects
Amit Baumel, Nandita Mathur, Aditya Pawar, Fred Muench
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Among Teen Mothers: A Pilot Study
Marni L. Kan, Lori-Ann Palen, Jennifer L. Hill, Judith W. Herrman, Jessica D. Williams, Mark E. Feinberg
Associations between Parent Restrained Eating, Conflict, and Adolescent Eating (in Latinx Sample)
Antoinette M. London-Johnson, Jeffery W. Allen, Kinsey E. Pocchio, Joseph G. Grzywacz
Adolescents’ Reluctance to Express Emotions: Relations to Parent Emotion Socialization
Daniel McNeil, Janice Zeman
Links Between School and Home: Associations Between Adolescent School Day Experiences and Maternal Perceptions of Family Relations
Keiana T. Mayfield, Gregory M. Fosco
Military-Connected Adolescents’ Emotional and Behavioral Risk Status: Comparisons of Universal Screening Data and National Norms
Kimberly J. Vannest, Kelly M. Carrero, Brenda Patience, Georgette Price, Rob Altmann, April Haas, Stacey Smith
Social Connection and Self-perceived Depression Among Adolescents: A Path Analytic Model for Abu Dhabi
Masood Badri, Mugheer Al Khaili, Muna Al Bahar, Guang Yang, Georgina Reynhout, Asma Al Rashdi
Are all Burned Out Parents Neglectful and Violent? A Latent Profile Analysis
Logan Hansotte, Nathan Nguyen, Isabelle Roskam, Florence Stinglhamber, Moïra Mikolajczak
The Motherload: Predicting Experiences of Work-Interfering-with-Family Guilt in Working Mothers
Emmalie I. Maclean, Brooke Andrew, Areana Eivers
Harsh Parental Discipline, Parent-Child Attachment, and Peer Attachment in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence
Fang Wang, Meifang Wang, Tianzi Wang, Zhengyan Wang
Exploring Home-School Partnership and Chinese Parental Satisfaction of Preschool Services: The Moderating Effect of Childrearing Beliefs
Bi Ying Hu, Cruchenda Rosetta Alexander, Huiping Wu, Sherron Killingsworth Roberts, Yuanhua Li
Longitudinal Effects of Co-Parenting for Successful Kids: Using Mixed-Effects Models
Dan Wang, Jeong-Kyun Choi, Jiwon Shin, Linda Reddish
Maternal History of Childhood Violence in the Context of a Parenting Program
Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim, Rebeca Cristina de Oliveira, Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares
Is High Family SES Positively Associated with Youth Adjustment in the Absence of Parent–Child Genetic Connection?
Tony Xing Tan, Sicen Chen, Yanzheng Li
“Listening In”: Improving the Science and Practice of Mentoring Through Naturalistic Observations of Mentor–Mentee Relationships
Rachel G. Lucas-Thompson, Lindsey M. Weiler, Shelley A. Haddock, Kimberly L. Henry, Toni S. Zimmerman, Jen Krafchick, Neha Prabhu
Who Switches Schools? Child-Level Predictors of School Mobility in Middle School Students
Enya Calibuso, Adam Winsler
The Role of Perceived Parental Acceptance-Rejection on Personality Psychopathology in Sexual Orientation Minority Young Adults
Kelci C. Davis, Jaime L. Anderson
The Implications of Early Marital Conflict for Children’s Development
Alexandrea L. Craft, Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Katie Newkirk
An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Adoption on Adoptive Siblings
Jana L. Hunsley, Naomi V. Ekas, Rachel D. Crawley