Uitgave 1/2001
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
Reading Level and Readability of Patient Education Materials in Mental Health
Angela D. Adkins, Nirbhay N. Singh
The Relevance of Sociocultural Theory to Culturally Diverse Partnerships and Communities
Levan Lim, Peter Renshaw
Two Case Studies of Community Schools Serving Latino and Southeast Asian Children
Andrea G. Zetlin, Cecilia Ramos, Anthony Chee
Maltreated Children's Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Do Teachers and Parents See the Same Things?
Rex E. Culp, Christina S. Howell, Anne McDonald Culp, Maureen Blankemeyer
Attachment Relationships as Predictors of Cognitive Interpretation and Response Bias in Late Adolescence
Paula M. Barrett, Jane Holmes
The Siblings of Individuals with Mental Retardation: A Quantitative Integration of the Literature
Lucille Rossiter, Donald Sharpe
Youth Functioning and Experiences in Inner-City After-School Programs Among Age, Gender, and Race Groups
Jennifer G. Roffman, Maria E. Pagano, Barton J. Hirsch
Resilience and Family Psychosocial Processes Among Children of Parents with Serious Mental Disorders
Jacob Kraemer Tebes, Joy S. Kaufman, Jean Adnopoz, Gary Racusin