Uitgave 6/2021
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in the two largest economies in the world: a comparison between the United States and China
Cuiyan Wang, Connor Tripp, Samuel F. Sears, Linkang Xu, Yilin Tan, Danqing Zhou, Wenfang Ma, Ziqi Xu, Natalie A. Chan, Cyrus Ho, Roger Ho
Anticipatory racism stress, smoking and disease activity: the Black women’s experiences living with lupus (BeWELL) study
Erica C. Spears, Amani M. Allen, Kara W. Chung, Connor D. Martz, Evelyn A. Hunter, Thomas E. Fuller-Rowell, S. Sam Lim, Christina Drenkard, David H. Chae
Smoking among adult congenital heart disease survivors in the United States: Prevalence and relationship with illness perceptions
Kristen R. Fox, Rose Y. Hardy, Philip Moons, Adrienne H. Kovacs, Koen Luyckx, Silke Apers, Stephen C. Cook, Gruschen Veldtman, Susan M. Fernandes, Kamila White, Shelby Kutty, Jamie L. Jackson
Factors associated with barriers to engagement in HIV-prevention care among sexual minority men
Audrey Harkness, Sierra A. Bainter, Noelle A. Mendez, Daniel Hernandez Altamirano, Conall O’Cleirigh, Matthew J. Mimiaga, Kenneth H. Mayer, Steven A. Safren
Exercise as a smoking cessation treatment for women: a randomized controlled trial
Shira Dunsiger, Jessica A. Emerson, Michael Ussher, Bess H. Marcus, Robert Miranda Jr, Peter M. Monti, David M. Williams
Effects of social support in an academic context on low-grade inflammation in high school students
Edith Chen, Régine Debrosse, Paula J. Ham, Lauren C. Hoffer, Adam K. K. Leigh, Mesmin Destin
Sleep and neighborhood socioeconomic status: a micro longitudinal study of chronic low-back pain and pain-free individuals
Deanna D. Rumble, Katherine O’Neal, Demario S. Overstreet, Terence M. Penn, Pamela Jackson, Edwin N. Aroke, Andrew M. Sims, Annabel L. King, Fariha N. Hasan, Tammie L. Quinn, D. Leann Long, Robert E. Sorge, Burel R. Goodin
Psychological and behavioral pathways between perceived stress and weight change in a behavioral weight loss intervention
Kristine Molina, Monica L. Baskin, Dustin Long, Tiffany L. Carson
Non-fatal gun violence and community health behaviors: A neighborhood analysis in Philadelphia
Daniel C. Semenza, Richard Stansfield
Intervention mediating effects of self-efficacy on patient physical and psychological health following ICD implantation
Ana C. S. Liberato, Elaine A. Thompson, Cynthia M. Dougherty
Impact of income and perceived stress on engagement and weight loss outcomes in an online behavioral weight loss program
Kristen Volz, Emily Wyckoff, Tania Heudo Medina, Zeely Denmat, Christiana Field, Jessica LaRose, Amy Gorin, Tricia Leahey
Dyadic concordance and associations of beliefs with intentions to learn carrier results from genomic sequencing
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Chloe O. Huelsnitz, Erin Turbitt, Jennifer M. Taber, Katie L. Lewis, Leslie G. Biesecker, Barbara B. Biesecker, William M. P. Klein
Why some parents made firearms more accessible during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a national study
Rebeccah L. Sokol, Lea Marineau, Marc A. Zimmerman, Laney A. Rupp, Rebecca M. Cunningham, Patrick M. Carter
Firearm purchasing during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in households with teens: a national study
- Brief Report
Rebeccah L. Sokol, Marc A. Zimmerman, Laney Rupp, Justin E. Heinze, Rebecca M. Cunningham, Patrick M. Carter