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Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Uitgave 6/2015

Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)

Does colorectal cancer risk perception predict screening behavior? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Thomas M. Atkinson, Talya Salz, Kaitlin K. Touza, Yuelin Li, Jennifer L. Hay

For better or for worse: a longitudinal study on dyadic coping and quality of life among couples with a partner suffering from COPD

Isabelle Vaske, Maximiliane Florentine Thöne, Kerstin Kühl, Daniel Christian Keil, Wolfgang Schürmann, Winfried Rief, Nikola Maria Stenzel

Body awareness and pain habituation: the role of orientation towards somatic signals

Karni Ginzburg, Noga Tsur, Carmel Karmin, Tali Speizman, Ricki Tourgeman, Ruth Defrin

The mediating role of interpersonal conflict at work in the relationship between negative affectivity and biomarkers of stress

Damiano Girardi, Alessandra Falco, Alessandro De Carlo, Paula Benevene, Manola Comar, Enrico Tongiorgi, Giovanni Battista Bartolucci

Cognitive-behavioral intervention to promote smoking cessation for pregnant and postpartum inner city women

Minsun Lee, Suzanne M. Miller, Kuang-Yi Wen, Sui-kuen Azor Hui, Pagona Roussi, Enrique Hernandez

The effects of daily mood and couple interactions on the sleep quality of older adults with chronic pain

Sunmi Song, Jennifer E. Graham-Engeland, Jacqueline Mogle, Lynn M. Martire

Stress in crisis managers: evidence from self-report and psychophysiological assessments

A. Janka, C. Adler, L. Fischer, P. Perakakis, P. Guerra, S. Duschek