Uitgave 6/2014
Inhoudsopgave (21 Artikelen)
Who’s asking the important questions? Sexual topics discussed among young pregnant couples
Tashuna Albritton, Kyla Day Fletcher, Anna Divney, Derrick Gordon, Urania Magriples, Trace S. Kershaw
Cognitive and personality factors in the prediction of health behaviors: an examination of total, direct and indirect effects
Peter A. Hall, Geoffrey T. Fong, Lynette J. Epp
Worry about skin cancer mediates the relation of perceived cancer risk and sunscreen use
Marc T. Kiviniemi, Erin M. Ellis
Developing self-regulation for dietary temptations: intervention effects on physical, self-regulatory and psychological outcomes
Heather C. McKee, Nikos Ntoumanis
Psychosocial correlates of sun protection behaviors among U.S. Hispanic adults
Elliot J. Coups, Jerod L. Stapleton, Sharon L. Manne, Shawna V. Hudson, Amanda Medina-Forrester, Stephen A. Rosenberg, Marsha Gordon, Kristina S. Tatum, June K. Robinson, Ana Natale-Pereira, James S. Goydos
Childhood violence exposure and the development of sexual risk in low-income African American girls
Helen W. Wilson, Geri R. Donenberg, Erin Emerson
Spouse health behavior outcomes from a randomized controlled trial of a spouse-assisted lifestyle change intervention to improve patient low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
Heather A. King, Amy S. Jeffreys, Megan A. McVay, Cynthia J. Coffman, Corrine I. Voils
Spousal social support and strain: impacts on health in older couples
Lindsay H. Ryan, Wylie H. Wan, Jacqui Smith
Effects of a 12-week endurance training program on the physiological response to psychosocial stress in men: a randomized controlled trial
Sandra Klaperski, Bernadette von Dawans, Markus Heinrichs, Reinhard Fuchs
Perceived discrimination as a stressor for close relationships: identifying psychological and physiological pathways
David Matthew Doyle, Lisa Molix
The impact of cardiac perception on emotion experience and cognitive performance under mental stress
Nicole K. Kindermann, Natalie S. Werner
Psychosocial predictors of weight regain in the weight loss maintenance trial
Phillip J. Brantley, Diana W. Stewart, Valerie H. Myers, Molly R. Matthews-Ewald, Jamy D. Ard, Janelle W. Coughlin, Gerald J. Jerome, Carmen Samuel-Hodge, Lillian F. Lien, Christina M. Gullion, Jack F. Hollis, Laura P. Svetkey, Victor J. Stevens
Social support mediates the association of health literacy and depression among racially/ethnically diverse smokers with low socioeconomic status
Diana W. Stewart, Lorraine R. Reitzel, Virmarie Correa-Fernández, Miguel Ángel Cano, Claire E. Adams, Yumei Cao, Yisheng Li, Andrew J. Waters, David W. Wetter, Jennifer Irvin Vidrine
What keeps a body moving? The brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism and intrinsic motivation to exercise in humans
Ann E. Caldwell Hooper, Angela D. Bryan, Martin S. Hagger
Chronic pain and cardiovascular stress responses in a general population: the Tromsø Study
Roy Bjørkholt Olsen, Stephen Bruehl, Christopher Sivert Nielsen, Leiv Arne Rosseland, Anne Elise Eggen, Audun Stubhaug
A closer look at the developmental interplay between parenting and perceived health in adolescents with congenital heart disease
Jessica Rassart, Koen Luyckx, Eva Goossens, Silke Apers, Philip Moons
Decentering, rumination, cognitive defusion, and psychological flexibility in people with chronic pain
Lance M. McCracken, Estelle Barker, Joseph Chilcot
The avoidance model in knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review of the evidence
Jasmijn F. M. Holla, Diana C. Sanchez-Ramirez, Marike van der Leeden, Johannes C. F. Ket, Leo D. Roorda, Willem F. Lems, Martijn P. M. Steultjens, Joost Dekker
Have screening harms become newsworthy? News coverage of prostate and colorectal cancer screening since the 2008 USPSTF recommendation changes
Emily A. Elstad, Stacey L. Sheridan, Joseph G. L. Lee, Christine Rini, Jo Anne Earp, Noel T. Brewer
Pre-drinking and alcohol-related harm in undergraduates: the influence of explicit motives and implicit alcohol identity
Kim M. Caudwell, Martin S. Hagger
Retraction Note to: Preference for immediate reinforcement over delayed reinforcement: relation between delay discounting and health behavior
- Retraction Note
Shane Melanko, Kevin T. Larkin