Uitgave 3/2017
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
Past racial discrimination exacerbates the effects of racial exclusion on negative affect, perceived control, and alcohol-risk cognitions among Black young adults
Michelle L. Stock, Laurel M. Peterson, Brianne K. Molloy, Sharon F. Lambert
Physical activity maintenance among Spanish-speaking Latinas in a randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention
Sheri J. Hartman, Shira I. Dunsiger, Beth C. Bock, Britta A. Larsen, Sarah Linke, Dori Pekmezi, Becky Marquez, Kim M. Gans, Andrea S. Mendoza-Vasconez, Bess H. Marcus
The closer ‘We’ are, the stronger ‘I’ am: the impact of couple identity on cancer coping self-efficacy
Saunia Ahmad, Karen Fergus, Kristina Shatokhina, Sandra Gardner
Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) versus Supportive Expressive Group Therapy (SET) for distressed breast cancer survivors: evaluating mindfulness and social support as mediators
- Open Access
Melanie. P. J. Schellekens, Rie Tamagawa, Laura E. Labelle, Michael Speca, Joanne Stephen, Elaine Drysdale, Sarah Sample, Barbara Pickering, Dale Dirkse, Linette Lawlor Savage, Linda E. Carlson
Mediators of change in screen-time in a school-based intervention for adolescent boys: findings from the ATLAS cluster randomized controlled trial
Jordan J. Smith, Philip J. Morgan, Chris Lonsdale, Kerry Dally, Ronald C. Plotnikoff, David R. Lubans
HIV-related shame and health-related quality of life among older, HIV-positive adults
Wilson Vincent, Xindi Fang, Sarah K. Calabrese, Timothy G. Heckman, Kathleen J. Sikkema, Nathan B. Hansen
Examining acute bi-directional relationships between affect, physical feeling states, and physical activity in free-living situations using electronic ecological momentary assessment
Yue Liao, Chih-Ping Chou, Jimi Huh, Adam Leventhal, Genevieve Dunton
Relations between adaptive and maladaptive pain cognitions and within-day pain exacerbations in individuals with fibromyalgia
Shannon Stark Taylor, Mary C. Davis, Ellen W. Yeung, Alex J. Zautra, Howard A. Tennen
Investigating the role of implicit prototypes in the prototype willingness model
Jennifer L. Howell, Kate A. Ratliff
Self-determination theory and weight loss in a Diabetes Prevention Program translation trial
Paula M. Trief, Donald Cibula, Linda M. Delahanty, Ruth S. Weinstock
Psychometric evaluation of the Condom Barriers and Motivations Scale (CBMS)
Sarit A. Golub, Kristi E. Gamarel
Engagement in health-promoting behaviors and patient–caregiver interdependence in dyads facing advanced cancer: an exploratory study
Katrina R. Ellis, Mary R. Janevic, Trace Kershaw, Cleopatra H. Caldwell, Nancy K. Janz, Laurel Northouse
A brief measure of reactance to health warnings
Marissa G. Hall, Paschal Sheeran, Seth M. Noar, Kurt M. Ribisl, Marcella H. Boynton, Noel T. Brewer
A group-mediated physical activity intervention in older knee osteoarthritis patients: effects on social cognitive outcomes
Brian C. Focht, Matthew J. Garver, Alexander R. Lucas, Steven T. Devor, Charles F. Emery, Kevin V. Hackshaw, Ciaran M. Fairman, Jessica Bowman, W. Jack Rejeski