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Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Uitgave 2/2018

Inhoudsopgave (13 Artikelen)

The association between previous success with weight loss through dietary change and success in a lifestyle modification program

Stephanie G. Kerrigan, Margaret Clark, Alexandra Convertino, Evan M. Forman, Meghan L. Butryn

Developing a typology of patient-generated behavioral goals for cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain (CBT-CP): classification and predicting outcomes

Alicia A. Heapy, Laura Wandner, Mary A. Driscoll, Kathryn LaChappelle, Rebecca Czlapinski, Brenda T. Fenton, John D. Piette, James E. Aikens, Mary R. Janevic, Robert D. Kerns

Relation of parent knowledge to glycemic control among emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: a mediational model

Vicki S. Helgeson, Abigail Kunz Vaughn, Howard Seltman, Trevor Orchard, Dorothy Becker, Ingrid Libman

Psychological pathways from racial discrimination to cortisol in African American males and females

Daniel B. Lee, Melissa K. Peckins, Justin E. Heinze, Alison L. Miller, Shervin Assari, Marc A. Zimmerman

The longitudinal, bidirectional relationships between parent reports of child secondhand smoke exposure and child smoking trajectories

Ashley H. Clawson, Elizabeth L. McQuaid, Shira Dunsiger, Kiera Bartlett, Belinda Borrelli

Adaptation to inflammatory rheumatic disease: Do illness representations predict patients’ physical functioning over time? A complex relationship

Evangelos C. Karademas, Georgia Dimitraki, Emmanouil Papastefanakis, Georgia Ktistaki, Argyro Repa, Irini Gergianaki, George Bertsias, Prodromos Sidiropoulos, Panagiotis Simos

Cancer-related loneliness mediates the relationships between social constraints and symptoms among cancer patients

Rebecca N. Adams, Catherine E. Mosher, Joseph G. Winger, Rafat Abonour, Kurt Kroenke

Baseline predictors of DMT reinitiation among patients with multiple sclerosis following an MI–CBT intervention

  • Brief Report

Joanie Thelen, Amanda Bruce, Delwyn Catley, Sharon Lynch, Kathy Goggin, Andrea Bradley-Ewing, Morgan Glusman, Abigail Norouzinia, Lauren Strober, Jared Bruce

Posttraumatic stress disorder due to acute cardiac events and aversive cognitions towards cardiovascular medications


S. Ali Husain, Donald Edmondson, Marin Kautz, Redeana Umland, Ian M. Kronish

Episodic future thinking reduces delay discounting and cigarette demand: an investigation of the good-subject effect

  • Brief Report

Jeffrey S. Stein, Allison N. Tegge, Jamie K. Turner, Warren K. Bickel