Uitgave 2/2013
Inhoudsopgave (10 Artikelen)
Adolescent sunscreen use in springtime: a prospective predictive study informed by a belief elicitation investigation
V. Araujo-Soares, A. Rodrigues, J. Presseau, F. F. Sniehotta
Purpose in life and reduced risk of myocardial infarction among older U.S. adults with coronary heart disease: a two-year follow-up
Eric S. Kim, Jennifer K. Sun, Nansook Park, Laura D. Kubzansky, Christopher Peterson
Impaired cerebral and systemic hemodynamics under cognitive load in young hypotensives: a transcranial Doppler study
Michela Sarlo, Massimiliano de Zambotti, Germano Gallicchio, Andrea Devigili, Luciano Stegagno
Depressive symptoms and serum lipid levels in young adult women
Carolyn Y. Fang, Brian L. Egleston, Kelley Pettee Gabriel, Victor J. Stevens, Peter O. Kwiterovich Jr., Linda G. Snetselaar, Margaret L. Longacre, Joanne F. Dorgan
Conscientiousness and stress exposure and reactivity: a prospective study of adolescent females
Michael L. M. Murphy, Gregory E. Miller, Carsten Wrosch
Testing the relation between dispositional optimism and conditioned pain modulation: does ethnicity matter?
Burel R. Goodin, Tarek Kronfli, Christopher D. King, Toni L. Glover, Kimberly Sibille, Roger B. Fillingim
Self-medication among traumatized youth: structural equation modeling of pathways between trauma history, substance misuse, and psychological distress
Eric L. Garland, Carrie Pettus-Davis, Matthew O. Howard
Posttraumatic growth in patients who survived cardiac surgery: the predictive and mediating roles of faith-based factors
Amy L. Ai, Daniel Hall, Kenneth Pargament, Terrence N. Tice
Adults with cardiovascular disease who help others: a prospective study of health outcomes
Michele Heisler, HwaJung Choi, John D. Piette, AnnMarie Rosland, Kenneth M. Langa, Stephanie Brown
Randomized controlled trial on the long-term efficacy of a multifaceted, interdisciplinary lifestyle intervention in reducing cardiovascular risk and improving lifestyle in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease
Lysanne Goyer, Robert Dufour, Caroline Janelle, Chantal Blais, Christine L’Abbé, Émilie Raymond, Jacques de Champlain, Pierre Larochelle