Uitgave 1/2014
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
Cannabis use and HIV antiretroviral therapy adherence and HIV-related symptoms
Marcel O. Bonn-Miller, Megan L. Oser, Meggan M. Bucossi, Jodie A. Trafton
The importance of affectively-laden beliefs about health risks: the case of tobacco use and sun protection
Eva Janssen, Erika A. Waters, Liesbeth van Osch, Lilian Lechner, Hein de Vries
Which symptoms matter? Self-report and observer discrepancies in repressors and high-anxious women with metastatic breast cancer
Janine Giese-Davis, Rie Tamagawa, Maya Yutsis, Suzanne Twirbutt, Karen Piemme, Eric Neri, C. Barr Taylor, David Spiegel
Anger, adiposity, and glucose control in nondiabetic adults: findings from MIDUS II
Vera K. Tsenkova, Deborah Carr, Christopher L. Coe, Carol D. Ryff
More optimism, less pain! The influence of generalized and pain-specific expectations on experienced cold-pressor pain
Marjolein M. Hanssen, Linda M. G. Vancleef, Johan W. S. Vlaeyen, Madelon L. Peters
Relative contributions of naturalistic and constructed support: two studies of women with type 2 diabetes
Manuel Barrera Jr., Deborah J. Toobert, Lisa A. Strycker
Effects of guided imagery on biobehavioral factors in women with fibromyalgia
Victoria Menzies, Debra E. Lyon, R. K. Elswick Jr., Nancy L. McCain, D. Patricia Gray
Self-control and its relation to emotions and psychobiology: evidence from a Day Reconstruction Method study
M. Daly, R. F. Baumeister, L. Delaney, M. MacLachlan
Effects of estrogen and opioid blockade on blood pressure reactivity to stress in postmenopausal women
- Original Paper
Allyssa J. Allen, James A. McCubbin, James P. Loveless, Suzanne G. Helfer
Positive self-perceptions as a mediator of religious involvement and health behaviors in a national sample of African Americans
Cheryl L. Holt, David L. Roth, Eddie M. Clark, Katrina Debnam
How neighborhood disorder increases blood pressure in youth: agonistic striving and subordination
- Original Paper
Craig K. Ewart, Gavin J. Elder, Joshua M. Smyth
Immediate effects of a brief mindfulness-based body scan on patients with chronic pain
Michael Ussher, Amy Spatz, Claire Copland, Andrew Nicolaou, Abbey Cargill, Nina Amini-Tabrizi, Lance M. McCracken
A brief mindfulness based intervention for increase in emotional well-being and quality of life in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients: the MindfulHeart randomized controlled trial
Ivan Nyklíček, Suzanne C. Dijksman, Pim J. Lenders, Willem A. Fonteijn, Jacques J. Koolen
Parental support, internalizing symptoms, perceived health status, and quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease: influences and reciprocal effects
Koen Luyckx, Eva Goossens, Jessica Rassart, Silke Apers, Janne Vanhalst, Philip Moons
The effects of coping style on virtual reality enhanced videogame distraction in children undergoing cold pressor pain
Soumitri Sil, Lynnda M. Dahlquist, Caitlin Thompson, Amy Hahn, Linda Herbert, Karen Wohlheiter, Susan Horn
Depression longitudinally mediates the association of appearance concerns to ART non-adherence in HIV-infected individuals with a history of injection drug use
Aaron J. Blashill, Janna R. Gordon, Steven A. Safren