Uitgave 8/2016
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Predictors of Daily Relationship Quality in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lisa Timmons, Kelcie D. Willis, Megan M. Pruitt, Naomi V. Ekas
- Original Paper
Self-Disorders in Individuals with Autistic Traits: Contribution of Reduced Autobiographical Reasoning Capacities
Fabrice Berna, Anja S. Göritz, Johanna Schröder, Romain Coutelle, Jean-Marie Danion, Christine V. Cuervo-Lombard, Steffen Moritz
- Original Paper
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Prevalence in Somali and Non-Somali Children
Amy Hewitt, Jennifer Hall-Lande, Kristin Hamre, Amy N. Esler, Judy Punyko, Joe Reichle, Anab A. Gulaid
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Overlapping Phenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Cross-Syndrome Comparison of Motor and Social Skills
Emma Sumner, Hayley C. Leonard, Elisabeth L. Hill
- Original Paper
Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Moderate Longitudinal Patterns of Facial Emotion Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Tamara E. Rosen, Matthew D. Lerner
- Original Paper
In the Eye of the Beholder: Rapid Visual Perception of Real-Life Scenes by Young Adults with and Without ASD
Steven Vanmarcke, Caitlin Mullin, Ruth Van der Hallen, Kris Evers, Ilse Noens, Jean Steyaert, Johan Wagemans
- Original Paper
Opinions of Turkish Parents and Teachers About Safety Skills Instruction to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Preliminary Investigation
Nursinem Sirin, Elif Tekin-Iftar
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Gray Matter Characteristics in Mid and Old Aged Adults with ASD
P. Cédric M. P. Koolschijn, Hilde M. Geurts
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years
M. Ewoud Baarsma, Cyril Boonmann, Lisette A. ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, Hanneke de Graaf, Theo A. H. Doreleijers, Robert R. J. M. Vermeiren, Lucres M. C. Jansen
- Open Access
- Original Paper
The Interface of Syntax with Pragmatics and Prosody in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Arhonto Terzi, Theodoros Marinis, Kostantinos Francis
- Original Paper
Characterizing Objective Quality of Life and Normative Outcomes in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis
Lauren Bishop-Fitzpatrick, Jinkuk Hong, Leann E. Smith, Renee A. Makuch, Jan S. Greenberg, Marsha R. Mailick
- Original Paper
After Early Autism Diagnosis: Changes in Intervention and Parent–Child Interaction
Katharine Suma, Lauren B. Adamson, Roger Bakeman, Diana L. Robins, Danielle N. Abrams
- Original Paper
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental and Psychiatric Features in 16p11.2 Duplication
LeeAnne Green Snyder, Debra D’Angelo, Qixuan Chen, Raphael Bernier, Robin P. Goin-Kochel, Arianne Stevens Wallace, Jennifer Gerdts, Stephen Kanne, Leandra Berry, Lisa Blaskey, Emily Kuschner, Timothy Roberts, Elliot Sherr, Christa L. Martin, David H. Ledbetter, John E. Spiro, Wendy K. Chung, Ellen Hanson, Hanalore Alupay, Benjamin Aaronson, Sean Ackerman, Katy Ankenman, Ayesha Anwar, Constance Atwell, Alexandra Bowe, Arthur L. Beaudet, Marta Benedetti, Jessica Berg, Jeffrey Berman, Leandra N. Berry, Audrey L. Bibb, Lisa Blaskey, Jonathan Brennan, Christie M. Brewton, Randy Buckner, Polina Bukshpun, Jordan Burko, Phil Cali, Bettina Cerban, Yishin Chang, Maxwell Cheong, Vivian Chow, Zili Chu, Darina Chudnovskaya, Lauren Cornew, Corby Dale, John Dell, Allison G. Dempsey, Trent Deschamps, Rachel Earl, James Edgar, Jenna Elgin, Jennifer Endre Olson, Yolanda L. Evans, Anne Findlay, Gerald D. Fischbach, Charlie Fisk, Brieana Fregeau, Bill Gaetz, Leah Gaetz, Silvia Garza, Jennifer Gerdts, Orit Glenn, Sarah E. Gobuty, Rachel Golembski, Marion Greenup, Kory Heiken, Katherine Hines, Leighton Hinkley, Frank I. Jackson, Julian Jenkins III, Rita J. Jeremy, Kelly Johnson, Stephen M. Kanne, Sudha Kessler, Sarah Y. Khan, Matthew Ku, Emily Kuschner, Anna L. Laakman, Peter Lam, Morgan W. Lasala, Hana Lee, Kevin LeGuerre, Susan Levy, Alyss Lian Cavanagh, Ashlie V. Llorens, Katherine Loftus Campe, Tracy L. Luks, Elysa J. Marco, Stephen Martin, Alastair J. Martin, Gabriela Marzano, Christina Masson, Kathleen E. McGovern, Rebecca McNally Keehn, David T. Miller, Fiona K. Miller, Timothy J. Moss, Rebecca Murray, Srikantan S. Nagarajan, Kerri P. Nowell, Julia Owen, Andrea M. Paal, Alan Packer, Patricia Z. Page, Brianna M. Paul, Alana Peters, Danica Peterson, Annapurna Poduri, Nicholas J. Pojman, Ken Porche, Monica B. Proud, Saba Q asmieh, Melissa B. Ramocki, Beau Reilly, Timothy P. L. Roberts, Dennis Shaw, Tuhin Sinha, Bethanny Smith-Packard, Anne Snow Gallagher, Vivek Swarnakar, Tony Thieu, Christina Triantafallou, Roger Vaughan, Nicole Visyak, Mari Wakahiro, Arianne Wallace, Tracey Ward, Julia Wenegrat, Anne Wolken
- Original Paper
Preschool to School in Autism: Neuropsychiatric Problems 8 Years After Diagnosis at 3 Years of Age
M. Barnevik Olsson, S. Lundström, J. Westerlund, M. B. Giacobini, C. Gillberg, E. Fernell
- Original Paper
Epidemiology of Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits in the US Among Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Luther G. Kalb, Roma A Vasa, Elizabeth D. Ballard, Steven Woods, Mitchell Goldstein, Holly C. Wilcox
- Original Paper
Influencing Perception About Children with Autism and their Parents Using Disclosure Cards
Jillian E. Austin, Vanessa L. Zinke, W. Hobart Davies
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Judicial Attitudes Regarding the Sentencing of Offenders with High Functioning Autism
Colleen M. Berryessa
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: The Go/No-Go Task Online: Inhibitory Control Deficits in Autism in a Large Sample
F. Uzefovsky, C. Allison, P. Smith, S. Baron-Cohen
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Syndromes in Autistic Children in a Finnish Birth Cohort
Laura Timonen-Soivio, Raija Vanhala, Heli Malm, Susanna Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki, Mika Gissler, Alan Brown, Andre Sourander
- Brief Report
Brief Report: An Independent Replication and Extension of Psychometric Evidence Supporting the Theory of Mind Inventory
Kathryn J. Greenslade, Truman E. Coggins
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Remotely Delivered Video Modeling for Improving Oral Hygiene in Children with ASD: A Pilot Study
Ben Popple, Carla Wall, Lilli Flink, Kelly Powell, Keri Discepolo, Douglas Keck, Marilena Mademtzi, Fred Volkmar, Frederick Shic
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Cognitive Control of Social and Nonsocial Visual Attention in Autism
Antoinette Sabatino DiCriscio, Stephanie J. Miller, Eleanor K. Hanna, Megan Kovac, Lauren Turner-Brown, Noah J. Sasson, Jeffrey Sapyta, Vanessa Troiani, Gabriel S. Dichter
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Simulations Suggest Heterogeneous Category Learning and Generalization in Children with Autism is a Result of Idiosyncratic Perceptual Transformations
Eduardo Mercado III, Barbara A. Church
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Reduced Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors after Pivotal Response Treatment
Pamela E. Ventola, Daniel Yang, Sebiha M. Abdullahi, Courtney A. Paisley, Megan L. Braconnier, Denis G. Sukhodolsky
- Commentary
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder and Its Relation to the Autism Spectrum: Dilemmas Arising From the DSM-5 Classification
Yael Brukner-Wertman, Nathaniel Laor, Ofer Golan