Uitgave 7/2013
Inhoudsopgave (24 Artikelen)
Maternal Vitamin D Levels and the Autism Phenotype Among Offspring
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Andrew J. O. Whitehouse, Barbara J. Holt, Michael Serralha, Patrick G. Holt, Prue H. Hart, Merci M. H. Kusel
Narrowly Versus Broadly Defined Autism Spectrum Disorders: Differences in Pre- and Perinatal Risk Factors
Janne C. Visser, Nanda Rommelse, Lianne Vink, Margo Schrieken, Iris J. Oosterling, Rutger J. van der Gaag, Jan K. Buitelaar
Recognition of Emotions in Autism: A Formal Meta-Analysis
- Original Paper
Mirko Uljarevic, Antonia Hamilton
Multisite Study of New Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) Algorithms for Toddlers and Young Preschoolers
- Original Paper
So Hyun Kim, Audrey Thurm, Stacy Shumway, Catherine Lord
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Participation Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Xin Wei, Jennifer W. Yu, Paul Shattuck, Mary McCracken, Jose Blackorby
Fatigue, Stress and Coping in Mothers of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Monique Seymour, Catherine Wood, Rebecca Giallo, Rachel Jellett
Time-Based and Event-Based Prospective Memory in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Roles of Executive Function and Theory of Mind, and Time-Estimation
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David Williams, Jill Boucher, Sophie Lind, Christopher Jarrold
Motor Difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Linking Symptom Severity and Postural Stability
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Brittany G. Travers, Patrick S. Powell, Laura G. Klinger, Mark R. Klinger
Orienting in Response to Gaze and the Social Use of Gaze among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Adrienne Rombough, Grace Iarocci
The Broader Autism Phenotype in Simplex and Multiplex Families
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Jennifer A. Gerdts, Raphael Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, Annette Estes
Animal-Assisted Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review
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Marguerite E. O’Haire
Bone Density in Peripubertal Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders
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Ann M. Neumeyer, Amy Gates, Christine Ferrone, Hang Lee, Madhusmita Misra
The Relationship Between Grey-Matter and ASD and ADHD Traits in Typical Adults
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Hilde M. Geurts, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, H. Steven Scholte
Salient Social Cues are Prioritized in Autism Spectrum Disorders Despite Overall Decrease in Social Attention
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Coralie Chevallier, Pascal Huguet, Francesca Happé, Nathalie George, Laurence Conty
Evidence for Impaired Verbal Identification But Intact Nonverbal Recognition of Fearful Body Postures in Asperger’s Syndrome
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John P. Doody, Peter Bull
Logging On: Evaluating an Online Support Group for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
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Tessen Clifford, Patricia Minnes
Investigating Word Learning in Fragile X Syndrome: A Fast-Mapping Study
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Andrea McDuffie, Sara T. Kover, Randi Hagerman, Leonard Abbeduto
Views on the Diagnostic Labels of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder and the Proposed Changes in the DSM
- Original Paper
Donna M. Kite, Judith Gullifer, Graham A. Tyson
Meta-Analysis of Social Skills Interventions of Single-Case Research for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Results from Three-Level HLM
- Original Paper
Shin-Yi Wang, Rauno Parrila, Ying Cui
Brief Report: Predictors of Outcomes in the Early Start Denver Model Delivered in a Group Setting
- Brief Report
Giacomo Vivanti, Cheryl Dissanayake, Cynthia Zierhut, Sally J. Rogers
Brief Report: Effect of Spatial Complexity on Visual Short-Term Memory and Self-Reported Autistic-Like Traits in Typically Developed Individuals
- Brief Report
Junichi Takahashi, Jiro Gyoba, Nozomi Yamawaki
Brief Report: Conveying Subjective Experience in Conversation: Production of Mental State Terms and Personal Narratives in Individuals with High Functioning Autism
- Brief Report
Janet Bang, Jesse Burns, Aparna Nadig
Brief Report: Avoidance Extinction as Treatment for Compulsive and Ritual Behavior in Autism
- Brief Report
Jason J. Wolff, Susan C. Hupp, Frank J. Symons