Uitgave 6/2013
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
- Original paper
Stimulus Overselectivity in Typical Development: Implications for Teaching Children with Autism
Sarah R. Reed, Aubyn C. Stahmer, Jessica Suhrheinrich, Laura Schreibman
Television, Video Game and Social Media Use Among Children with ASD and Typically Developing Siblings
Micah O. Mazurek, Colleen Wenstrup
- Original Paper
Visual Search Targeting Either Local or Global Perceptual Processes Differs as a Function of Autistic-Like Traits in the Typically Developing Population
Renita A. Almeida, J. Edwin Dickinson, Murray T. Maybery, Johanna C. Badcock, David R. Badcock
Subcategories of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Somer L. Bishop, Vanessa Hus, Amie Duncan, Marisela Huerta, Katherine Gotham, Andrew Pickles, Abba Kreiger, Andreas Buja, Sabata Lund, Catherine Lord
- Original Paper
A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Melodic Based Communication Therapy for Eliciting Speech in Nonverbal Children with Autism
Givona A. Sandiford, Karen J. Mainess, Noha S. Daher
- Original Paper
Epilepsy in Individuals with a History of Asperger’s Syndrome: A Danish Nationwide Register-Based Cohort Study
Svend Erik Mouridsen, Bente Rich, Torben Isager
- Original Paper
Psychiatric Comorbidity and Functioning in a Clinically Referred Population of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comparative Study
Gagan Joshi, Janet Wozniak, Carter Petty, Mary Kate Martelon, Ronna Fried, Anela Bolfek, Amelia Kotte, Jonathan Stevens, Stephannie L. Furtak, Michelle Bourgeois, Janet Caruso, Ashley Caron, Joseph Biederman
- Original Paper
What Do Repetitive and Stereotyped Movements Mean for Infant Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Cara R. Damiano, Allison Nahmias, Abigail L. Hogan-Brown, Wendy L. Stone
- Original Paper
Patterns and Predictors of Anxiety Among Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Carolyn M. Shivers, Lauren K. Deisenroth, Julie Lounds Taylor
Adaptive Behaviors in High-Functioning Taiwanese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: an Investigation of the Mediating Roles of Symptom Severity and Cognitive Ability
Chen-Lin Chang, For-Wey Lung, Cheng-Fang Yen, Pinchen Yang
- Original Paper
Executive Function in MCDD and PDD-NOS: A Study of Inhibitory Control, Attention Regulation and Behavioral Adaptivity
Sophie van Rijn, Leo de Sonneville, Bertine Lahuis, Jolijn Pieterse, Herman van Engeland, Hanna Swaab
- Original Paper
Neurocognitive Functioning in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Outi Reinvall, Arja Voutilainen, Teija Kujala, Marit Korkman
- Original Paper
The Association Between Mental Health, Stress, and Coping Supports in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Benjamin Zablotsky, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Elizabeth A. Stuart
- Original Paper
Multiple Object Tracking in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Kami Koldewyn, Sarah Weigelt, Nancy Kanwisher, Yuhong Jiang
- Original Paper
Assessing Recollection and Familiarity in Low Functioning Autism
Susan Ni Chuileann, Jean Quigley
- Original Paper
Linguistic Alignment in Adults with and Without Asperger’s Syndrome
Katie E. Slocombe, Ivan Alvarez, Holly P. Branigan, Tjeerd Jellema, Hollie G. Burnett, Anja Fischer, Yan Hei Li, Simon Garrod, Liat Levita
- Original Paper
Perception of Pointing from Biological Motion Point-Light Displays in Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
John Swettenham, Anna Remington, Katherine Laing, Rosemary Fletcher, Mike Coleman, Juan-Carlos Gomez
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Incidence of Ophthalmologic Disorders in Children with Autism
Jamie Ikeda, Bradley V. Davitt, Monica Ultmann, Rolanda Maxim, Oscar A. Cruz
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Altered Social Behavior in Isolation-Reared Fmr1 Knockout Mice
Andrew M. Heitzer, Alexandra K. Roth, Lauren Nawrocki, Craige C. Wrenn, Maria G. Valdovinos
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Prevalence of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ellen Hanson, Bettina M. Cerban, Chelsea M. Slater, Laura M. Caccamo, Janine Bacic, Eugenia Chan
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Learning Via the Electronic Interactive Whiteboard for Two Students with Autism and a Student with Moderate Intellectual Disability
Gulnoza Yakubova, Teresa Taber-Doughty
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Stony Brook Guidelines on the Ethics of the Care of People with Autism and Their Families
Stephen G. Post, John Pomeroy, Carla C. Keirns, Virginia Isaacs Cover, Michael Leverett Dorn, Louis Boroson, Florence Boroson, Anne Coulehan, Jack Coulehan, Kim Covell, Kim Kubasek, Elizabeth Luchsinger, Shana Nichols, James Parles, Linda Schreiber, Samara P. Tetenbaum, Rose Ann Walsh
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Children with ADHD Without Co-morbid Autism do not have Impaired Motor Proficiency on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children
Nicole Papadopoulos, Nicole Rinehart, John L. Bradshaw, Jennifer L. McGinley
- Brief Report
Brief Report: CANTAB Performance and Brain Structure in Pediatric Patients with Asperger Syndrome
Liane Kaufmann, Sibylle Zotter, Silvia Pixner, Marc Starke, Edda Haberlandt, Maria Steinmayr-Gensluckner, Karl Egger, Michael Schocke, Elisabeth M. Weiss, Josef Marksteiner
- Brief Report
Brief Report: An Unusual Manifestation of Diagnostic Overshadowing of Pervasive Developmental Disorder—Not Otherwise Specified: A Five Year Longitudinal Case Study
S. S. Meera, Ramesh Kaipa, Jaslin Thomas, N. Shivashankar