Uitgave 5/2023
Inhoudsopgave (35 Artikelen)
Patterns of Special Education Eligibility and Age of First Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Identification Among US Children with ASD
- Original Paper
Amy N. Esler, Jeannette Sample, Jennifer Hall-Lande, Bryn Harris, Catherine Rice, Jenny Poynter, Russell S. Kirby, Lisa Wiggins
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk in Autistic Youth: Findings from a Clinician Survey in a Pediatric Psychiatric Emergency Setting
- Original Paper
Paige E. Cervantes, Annie Li, Katherine A. Sullivan, Dana E. M. Seag, Argelinda Baroni, Sarah M. Horwitz
Psychometric Properties of Standardized Instruments that are Used to Measure Pragmatic Intervention Effects in Children with Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Original Paper
Tatiana Pereira, Marisa Lousada
Autistic Adults Show Similar Performance and Sensitivity to Social Cues on a Visual Perspective Taking Task as Non-autistic Adults
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Richard J. O’Connor, Joshua L. Plant, Kevin J. Riggs
Effect of Children’s Autism Spectrum Disorder Severity on Family Strain and Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey in the U.S.
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Gonzalo Durán-Pacheco, Mariabeth Silkey, Michelle Johnson, Chuang Liu, Susanne Clinch, Kiely Law, Georg Loss
Social and Behavioural Outcomes of School Aged Autistic Children Who Received Community-Based Early Interventions
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Zoe Vinen, Megan Clark, Cheryl Dissanayake
Examining Feasibility and Outcomes of the PEERS® for Preschoolers Program
- Original Paper
Reina S. Factor, Hannah M. Rea, Elizabeth A. Laugeson, Angela Scarpa
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Intervention for Parents of Children with Disabilities (Navigator ACT): An Open Feasibility Trial
- Open Access
- Original Paper
T. Holmberg Bergman, E. Renhorn, B. Berg, P. Lappalainen, A. Ghaderi, T. Hirvikoski
Opportunities for Inclusion and Engagement in the Transition of Autistic Youth from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: A Qualitative Study
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Jennifer L. Ames, Arjun Mahajan, Meghan N. Davignon, Maria L. Massolo, Lisa A. Croen
Feasibility and Initial Efficacy of an Adapted Telepractice Listening Comprehension Intervention for School-Aged Children with Autism
- Original Paper
Alyssa R. Henry, Carlin Conner, Matthew C. Zajic, Emily J. Solari
Eye Gaze in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Neural Evidence for the Eye Avoidance Hypothesis
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Nicole Stuart, Andrew Whitehouse, Romina Palermo, Ellen Bothe, Nicholas Badcock
Gestational Age in Autistic Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Effects on Autism Phenotype
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Miriam I. Martini, Inge Merkelbach, Sander Begeer
Effects of Social Stories on Increasing Social Interaction and Engagement of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Settings
- Original Paper
Eun Young Kwon, Joanna E. Cannon, Victoria F. Knight, Sterett H. Mercer, Caroline Guardino
Intrinsic Structural Connectivity of the Default Mode Network and Behavioral Correlates of Executive Function and Social Skills in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Jessica Blume, Chanaka Kahathuduwa, Ann Mastergeorge
Regulating Together: Emotion Dysregulation Group Treatment for ASD Youth and Their Caregivers
- Original Paper
Rebecca C. Shaffer, Lauren M. Schmitt, Debra L. Reisinger, Marika Coffman, Paul Horn, Matthew S. Goodwin, Carla Mazefsky, Shelley Randall, Craig Erickson
Reduced Pupil Oscillation During Facial Emotion Judgment in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Sai Sun, Paula J. Webster, Yu Wang, Hongbo Yu, Rongjun Yu, Shuo Wang
The Social Support Network of Adults with an Autism Spectrum Condition: An Exploration Using the Network in Action-Questionnaire
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Rinske M. van den Heuvel, Michel Wensing, Hilde M. Geurts, Jan-Pieter Teunisse
Childhood Academic Performance: A Potential Marker of Genetic Liability to Autism
- Original Paper
Janna Guilfoyle, Molly Winston, John Sideris, Gary E. Martin, Kritika Nayar, Lauren Bush, Tom Wassink, Molly Losh
Autistic Traits and Empathy for Others’ Pain Among the General Population: Test of the Mediating Effects of First-Hand Pain Sensitivity
- Original Paper
Wenyun Zhang, Shiwei Zhuo, Xiaoyun Li, Weiwei Peng
Anxiety and Worries of Individuals with Down Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study in the UK
- Open Access
- Original Paper
V. Sideropoulos, H. Kye, D. Dukes, A. C. Samson, O. Palikara, J. Van Herwegen
Experiences of Performing Daily Activities in Middle-Aged and Older Autistic Adults: A Qualitative Study
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Ye In Jane Hwang, Kitty-Rose Foley, Kieran Elley, Scott Brown, Dawn Joy-Leong, Xue Li, Rachel Grove, Julian Trollor, Elizabeth Pellicano, Lidan Zheng
Sexual Dimorphism in Telomere Length in Childhood Autism
- Original Paper
Yasin Panahi, Fahimeh Salasar Moghaddam, Khadijeh Babaei, Mohammad Eftekhar, Reza Shervin Badv, Mohammad Reza Eskandari, Mohammad Vafaee-Shahi, Hamid Pezeshk, Mehrdad Pedram
What Ability Can Predict Mathematics Performance in Typically Developing Preschoolers and Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
- Original Paper
Lijuan Wang, Xiao Liang, Bo Jiang, Qiutong Wu, Luyao Jiang
Extended Reality Guidelines for Supporting Autism Interventions Based on Stakeholders’ Needs
- Original Paper
Valentin Bauer, Tifanie Bouchara, Patrick Bourdot
Diagnostic Utility of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scales-3rd Edition Parent Report in Clinically Referred Children
- Original Paper
Amy Camodeca
Urban–Rural Disparity in the Incidence of Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder in Taiwan: A 10-Year National Birth Cohort Follow-up Study
- Original Paper
Yuu-Hueih Hsu, Chi-Wen Chen, Yuh-Jyh Lin, Chung-Yi Li
Case Report: A Disease Phenotype of Rett Syndrome and Neurofibromatosis Resulting from A Bilocus Variant Combination
- Letter to the Editor
Udayakumar Narasimhan, Abhinayaa Janakiraman, Dedeepya Puskur, Fatima Shirly Anitha, Solomon Franklin Durairaj Paul, Teena Koshy
Exploratory Study of Parenting Differences for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attachment Disorder
- Letter to the Editor
Joanna Davies, Laura Glinn, Lisa A. Osborne, Phil Reed
Brief Report: Unexpected Bilingualism: A Case of a Russian Child With ASD
- Brief Report
Marina A. Zhukova, Oksana I. Talantseva, Iuliia An, Elena L. Grigorenko
Brief Report: Replication of the Five-Factor Structure of the Autism Impact Measure (AIM) in an Independent Sample
- Brief Report
Ryan P. Grimm, Nicole Zhong, Micah O. Mazurek
Correction to: Using Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Handwriting of Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Correction
Nellie van den Bos, Suzanne Houwen, Marina Schoemaker, Sara Rosenblum
Correction to: Abilities of Children with Developmental Language Disorders in Perceiving Phonological, Grammatical, and Semantic Structures
- Correction
Georgios P. Georgiou, Elena Theodorou