Uitgave 5/2005
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
Modifying the Affective Behavior of Preschoolers with Autism Using In-Vivo or Video Modeling and Reinforcement Contingencies
Angeliki Gena, Sophia Couloura, Effie Kymissis
Language, Social, and Executive Functions in High Functioning Autism: A Continuum of Performance
Rebecca J. Landa, Melissa C. Goldberg
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Show Normal Responses to a Fear Potential Startle Paradigm
Raphael Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, Heracles Panagiotides, Sara Webb
Empathic Accuracy in Adults with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder During an Unstructured Conversation with a Typically Developing Stranger
Koen Ponnet, Ann Buysse, Herbert Roeyers, Kim De Corte
Post-Institutional Autistic Syndrome in Romanian Adoptees
René Hoksbergen, Jan ter Laak, Kathinka Rijk, Cor van Dijkum, Felicia Stoutjesdijk
Multi-site Study of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) in Five Clinical Groups of Young Children
Adrienne Perry, Rosemary A. Condillac, Nancy L. Freeman, Jennifer Dunn-Geier, Joanne Belair
Systems Analysis of Stress and Positive Perceptions in Mothers and Fathers of Pre-School Children with Autism
Richard P. Hastings, Hanna Kovshoff, Nicholas J. Ward, Francesca degli Espinosa, Tony Brown, Bob Remington
Video Analysis of Sensory-Motor Features in Infants with Fragile X Syndrome at 9–12 Months of Age
Grace T. Baranek, Cassandra D. Danko, Martie L. Skinner, Donald B. Jr., Deborah D. Hatton, Jane E. Roberts, Penny L. Mirrett
Brief Report: Early Social Communication Behaviors in the Younger Siblings of Children with Autism
Wendy A. Goldberg, Kelly L. Jarvis, Kathryn Osann, Tracy M. Laulhere, Carol Straub, Erin Thomas, Pauline Filipek, M. Anne Spence
Brief Report: Autism in Individuals with Down Syndrome
- Brief Report
Elizabeth M. Starr, Sibel Kazak Berument, Megan Tomlins, Katerina Papanikolaou, Michael Rutter
Brief Report: Non-Random X Chromosome Inactivation in Females with Autism
Z. Talebizadeh, D. C. Bittel, O. J. Veatch, N. Kibiryeva, M. G. Butler
Need for Internet Based Scoring System for Autism Treatment Evaluation
- Letter to the Editor
Srinivasa Jayachandra