Uitgave 5/2000
Inhoudsopgave (23 Artikelen)
Interventions to Facilitate Auditory, Visual, and Motor Integration in Autism: A Review of the Evidence
Geraldine Dawson, Renee Watling
- Commentary
Commentary: Interventions to Facilitate Auditory, Visual, and Motor Integration: “Show Me the Data”
Howard Goldstein
Repetitive Thoughts and Behavior in Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Treatment with Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Christopher J. McDougle, Laura E. Kresch, David J. Posey
- Commentary
Commentary: Considerations on the Characterization and Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior
Monique Ernst
Pharmacotherapy for Hyperactivity in Children with Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Michael G. Aman, Kristen S. Langworthy
- Commentary
Commentary: Considerations on the Pharmacotherapy of Attention Deficits and Hyperactivity in Children with Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Rob Nicolson, F. Xavier Castellanos
- Commentary
Commentary: Potential Neurobiologic Mechanisms Through Which Metabolic Disorders Could Relate to Autism
Michael V. Johnston
- Commentary
Commentary: Immunological Treatments for Autism: In Search of Reasons for Promising Approaches
Andrew W. Zimmerman
- Commentary
Commentary: A Neural Systems Perspective for Improving Behavioral Treatments for Autism
Barry Gordon