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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Uitgave 4/2002

Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)

  • Editorial Introduction

Editorial Preface

Gary B. Mesibov

Visual Scanning of Faces in Autism

Kevin A. Pelphrey, Noah J. Sasson, J. Steven Reznick, Gregory Paul, Barbara D. Goldman, Joseph Piven

Depression in Persons with Autism: Implications for Research and Clinical Care

Mohammad Ghaziuddin, Neera Ghaziuddin, John Greden

Parent and Professional Agreement on Cognitive Level of Children with Autism

Diane M. Geiger, David T. Smith, Nancy A. Creaghead

Sensitivity and Specificity of the Autism Diagnostic Inventory-Telephone Screening in Spanish

Daniela Vrancic, Valeria Nanclares, Delfina Soares, Analia Kulesz, Claudia Mordzinski, Christian Plebst, Sergio Starkstein

Lateralization in Individuals with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's Disorder: A Frontostriatal Model

Nicole J. Rinehart, John L. Bradshaw, Avril V. Brereton, Bruce J. Tonge

Brief Report: Attention Differences in Asperger Syndrome

Amy M. Schatz, Amy K. Weimer, Doris A. Trauner

Brief Report: Immune Factors in Autism: A Critical Review

Ilan Krause, Xiao-Song He, M. Eric Gershwin, Yehuda Shoenfeld

  • Note

Ask the Editor

Gary Mesibov