Uitgave 2/2020
Inhoudsopgave (33 Artikelen)
Adaptation to the Speed of Biological Motion in Autism
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Themis Karaminis, Roberto Arrighi, Georgia Forth, David Burr, Elizabeth Pellicano
Parenting Strategies Used by Parents of Children with ASD: Differential Links with Child Problem Behaviour
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Elizabeth O’Nions, Eva Ceulemans, Francesca Happé, Paul Benson, Kris Evers, Ilse Noens
Autism and Reactions to Provocation in a Social and Non-social Context
- Original Paper
Lisa Wagels, Isabella Schneider, Saskia Menke, Anna Katharina Ponge, Nils Kohn, Frank Schneider, Ute Habel
Motor Disturbance in ASD: A Pilot Study Showing Hypokinetic Behavior?
- Original Paper
M. A. L. Mostert-Kerckhoffs, A. E. Willems, D. E. Tenback, J. P. Koning, P. Van Harten, W. G. Staal
A Relation Between Autism Traits and Gender Self-concept: Evidence from Explicit and Implicit Measures
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Aimilia Kallitsounaki, David Williams
An On-Line Survey of University Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia and New Zealand: Characteristics, Support Satisfaction, and Advocacy
- Original Paper
Anastasia H. Anderson, Mark Carter, Jennifer Stephenson
School Inclusion in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders in France: Report from the ELENA French Cohort Study
- Original Paper
Cécile Rattaz, Kerim Munir, Cécile Michelon, Marie-Christine Picot, Amaria Baghdadli, Amaria Baghdadli, Catherine Chabaux, Clarisse Chatel, David Cohen, Emmanuel Damville, Marie-Maude Geoffray, Ludovic Gicquel, Renaud Jardri, Thierry Maffre, Alexandre Novo, Roxane Odoyer, Marie-Joëlle Oreve, Didier Périsse, François Poinso, Julien Pottelette, Laurence Robel, Catherine Rolland, Marie Schoenberger, Sylvie Serret, Sandrine Sonié, Mario Speranza, Stéphanie Vespirini
A Robot-Based Play-Drama Intervention May Improve the Joint Attention and Functional Play Behaviors of Chinese-Speaking Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study
- Original Paper
Wing-Chee So, Chun-Ho Cheng, Wan-Yi Lam, Ying Huang, Ka-Ching Ng, Hiu-Ching Tung, Wing Wong
Gluten-Free Diet in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized, Controlled, Single-Blinded Trial
- Original Paper
Anna Piwowarczyk, Andrea Horvath, Ewa Pisula, Rafał Kawa, Hania Szajewska
Adaptive Behavior Moderates Health-Related Pathways in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Emily Bremer, John Cairney
The Influence of Irrelevant Visual Distractors on Eye Movement Control in Chinese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from the Remote Distractor Paradigm
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Li Zhang, Guoli Yan, Li Zhou, Zebo Lan, Valerie Benson
Utility of the Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale in the Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Original Paper
Amy Camodeca, Kylie Q. Todd, Jennifer Croyle
Comparing the Psychometric Properties of the Self- and Parent-Report Versions of Autism-Spectrum Quotient-Adult in Hong Kong (AQ-Adult-HK)
- Original Paper
Vitti W. K. Poon, Dorothy S. T. Shu, Raymond W. S. Chan, Cecilia N. W. Leung, Patrick W. L. Leung
Development of Episodic Memory and Foresight in High-Functioning Preschoolers with ASD
- Original Paper
Mika Naito, Chie Hotta, Motomi Toichi
Maternal Dyslipidemia, Plasma Branched-Chain Amino Acids, and the Risk of Child Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence of Sex Difference
- Original Paper
Anita A. Panjwani, Yuelong Ji, Jed W. Fahey, Amanda Palmer, Guoying Wang, Xiumei Hong, Barry Zuckerman, Xiaobin Wang
The Effects of Stability Ball Seating on the Behavior of Children with Autism During Instructional Activities
- Original Paper
Trish Krombach, Raymond Miltenberger
Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms and Bullying Victimization Among Children with Autism in the United States
- Original Paper
Danequa L. Forrest, Rhiannon A. Kroeger, Samuel Stroope
Dissociation in How Core Autism Features Relate to Interoceptive Dimensions: Evidence from Cardiac Awareness in Children
- Open Access
- OriginalPaper
E. R. Palser, A. Fotopoulou, E. Pellicano, J. M. Kilner
Understanding Number Line Estimation in Williams Syndrome and Down Syndrome
- Open Access
- Original Paper
V. Simms, A. Karmiloff-Smith, E. Ranzato, J. Van Herwegen
‘Coming Out’ with Autism: Identity in People with an Asperger’s Diagnosis After DSM-5
- Original Paper
Olivia Smith, Sandra C. Jones
Impaired P1 Habituation and Mismatch Negativity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Original Paper
Francisco J. Ruiz-Martínez, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, C. Ellie Wilson, Shu Yau, David Saldaña, Carlos M. Gómez
Exploring the Moderating Role of Benefit Finding on the Relationship Between Child Problematic Behaviours and Psychological Distress in Caregivers of Children with ASD
- Original Paper
Brian Lovell, Mark A. Wetherell
Psychotropic Medication Prescribing for Neuropsychiatric Comorbidities in Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the UK
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Basmah H. Alfageh, Kenneth K. C. Man, Frank M. C. Besag, Tariq M. Alhawassi, Ian C. K. Wong, Ruth Brauer
Predictors of Trauma Exposure and Trauma Diagnoses for Children with Autism and Developmental Disorders Served in a Community Mental Health Clinic
- Open Access
- Original Paper
John D. Hoch, Adriana M. Youssef
The Influence of Race and Ethnicity on the Relationship between Family Resilience and Parenting Stress in Caregivers of Children with Autism
- Brief Report
Irang Kim, Sarah Dababnah, Jaegoo Lee
Brief Report: Me, Reporting on Myself: Preliminary Evaluation of the Criterion-Related Validity of the Theory of Mind Inventory-2 when Completed by Autistic Young Adults
- Brief Report
Eileen T. Crehan, Robert R. Althoff, Hannah Riehl, Patricia A. Prelock, Tiffany Hutchins
Evaluating the Influence of Intraverbal Topography in Conditional Discrimination Procedures
- Brief Report
Lyndsay A. Fairchild, Daniel L. Gadke, Kasee K. Stratton, Emily S. Mathis, Alexander B. Clarke
Short Report: Social Perception of High School Students with ASD in Norway
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Ingjerd Skafle, Anders Nordahl-Hansen, Roald A. Øien
Buspirone for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Williams Syndrome: A Case Series
- Brief Report
Robyn P. Thom, Christopher J. Keary, Jessica L. Waxler, Barbara R. Pober, Christopher J. McDougle
What About the Other Side of Double Empathy? A Response to Alkhaldi, Sheppard and Mitchell’s JADD Article Concerning Mind-Reading Difficulties in Autism
- Letter to the Editor
Nick Chown, Liz Hughes, Joanna Baker-Rogers
Adaptation of Diagnosis from Autism Spectrum Disorder to Social Communication Disorder in Adolescents with ADHD
- Letter to the Editor
Lee-Hou Tsai, Jeng-Wen Lin
Numerous Confounders Affecting the Alleged Association Between Cesarean Deliveries Under General Anesthesia and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Letter to the Editor
Lena Sagi-Dain, Reuven Kedar, Mordechai Bardicef, Shlomit Riskin
Ask the Editor: What is the Most Appropriate Way to Talk About Individuals with a Diagnosis of Autism?
- Ask the Expert
Giacomo Vivanti