Uitgave 11/2009
Inhoudsopgave (20 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Abnormal Transient Pupillary Light Reflex in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Xiaofei Fan, Judith H. Miles, Nicole Takahashi, Gang Yao
- Original Paper
The Children’s Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient: Sex Differences in Typical Development and in Autism Spectrum Conditions
Bonnie Auyeung, Sally Wheelwright, Carrie Allison, Matthew Atkinson, Nelum Samarawickrema, Simon Baron-Cohen
- Original Paper
Alteration of Attentional Blink in High Functioning Autism: A Pilot Study
Marion Amirault, Kattalin Etchegoyhen, Sandrine Delord, Sandrine Mendizabal, Caroline Kraushaar, Isabelle Hesling, Michèle Allard, Manuel Bouvard, Willy Mayo
- Original Paper
Health-Related Quality of Life and Cognitive Functioning from the Perspective of Parents of School-Aged Children with Asperger’s Syndrome Utilizing the PedsQL™
Christine A. Limbers, Robert W. Heffer, James W. Varni
- Original Paper
Association of COMT (Val158Met) and BDNF (Val66Met) Gene Polymorphisms with Anxiety, ADHD and Tics in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kenneth D. Gadow, Jasmin Roohi, Carla J. DeVincent, Sarah Kirsch, Eli Hatchwell
- original paper
Human Versus Non-Human Face Processing: Evidence from Williams Syndrome
Andreia Santos, Delphine Rosset, Christine Deruelle
- Original Paper
Qualitative or Quantitative Differences Between Asperger’s Disorder and Autism? Historical Considerations
James Ladell Sanders
- Original Paper
Quantitative Architectural Analysis: A New Approach to Cortical Mapping
Axel Schleicher, Patricia Morosan, Katrin Amunts, Karl Zilles
- Brief Report
Brief Report: A Comparison of Indirect Versus Experimental Strategies for the Assessment of Pica
Lauren C. Wasano, John C. Borrero, Carolynn S. Kohn
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Using Individualized Orienting Cues to Facilitate First-Word Acquisition in Non-Responders with Autism
Robert L. Koegel, Larisa Shirotova, Lynn K. Koegel
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Additive and Subtractive Counterfactual Reasoning of Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sander Begeer, Mark Meerum Terwogt, Patty Lunenburg, Hedy Stegge
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Does Eye Contact Induce Contagious Yawning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Atsushi Senju, Yukiko Kikuchi, Hironori Akechi, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Yoshikuni Tojo, Hiroo Osanai
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Inhibitory Control of Socially Relevant Stimuli in Children with High Functioning Autism
Hilde M. Geurts, Sander Begeer, Lex Stockmann
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Parent-Reported Autism Symptoms in School-Age Children with High-Functioning Autism
Jeffrey J. Wood, Amy Drahota, Karen Sze, Marilyn Van Dyke, Kelly Decker, Cori Fujii, Christie Bahng, Patricia Renno, Wei-Chin Hwang, Michael Spiker
- Brief Report
Brief Report: IQ Split Predicts Social Symptoms and Communication Abilities in High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
David O. Black, Gregory L. Wallace, Jennifer L. Sokoloff, Lauren Kenworthy
- Open Access
- Book review
Melinda J. Smith: Teaching Playskills to Children with Autism Spectrum
Stephanny F. N. Freeman
- Brief Communication
Response to Book Review: Dietary Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Why They Work When They do, Why They Don’t When They Don’t
Kenneth Aitken