Uitgave 10/2012
Inhoudsopgave (25 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Deaf Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Christen A. Szymanski, Patrick J. Brice, Kay H. Lam, Sue A. Hotto
- Original Paper
Attentional Processing of Faces in ASD: A Dot-Probe Study
David J. Moore, Lisa Heavey, John Reidy
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Social Interaction Style of Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
Anke M. Scheeren, Hans M. Koot, Sander Begeer
- Original Paper
Correlates of Attachment Perceptions in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sabrina J. Goodman, David S. Glenwick
- Original paper
Do Children with Specific Language Impairment have a Cognitive Profile Reminiscent of Autism? A Review of the Literature
Lauren J. Taylor, Murray T. Maybery, Andrew J. O. Whitehouse
- Original Paper
Promoting Task Accuracy and Independence in Students with Autism Across Educational Setting Through the Use of Individual Work Systems
Kara Hume, Joshua Plavnick, Samuel L. Odom
- Original Paper
Patterns of Autobiographical Memory in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Laura Crane, Linda Pring, Kaylee Jukes, Lorna Goddard
Receptive and Expressive Language as Predictors of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Corey E. Ray-Subramanian, Susan Ellis Weismer
- Original Paper
The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED): A Multisite Epidemiologic Study of Autism by the Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE) Network
Diana E. Schendel, Carolyn DiGuiseppi, Lisa A. Croen, M. Daniele Fallin, Philip L. Reed, Laura A. Schieve, Lisa D. Wiggins, Julie Daniels, Judith Grether, Susan E. Levy, Lisa Miller, Craig Newschaffer, Jennifer Pinto-Martin, Cordelia Robinson, Gayle C. Windham, Aimee Alexander, Arthur S. Aylsworth, Pilar Bernal, Joseph D. Bonner, Lisa Blaskey, Chyrise Bradley, Jack Collins, Casara J. Ferretti, Homayoon Farzadegan, Ellen Giarelli, Marques Harvey, Susan Hepburn, Matthew Herr, Kristina Kaparich, Rebecca Landa, Li-Ching Lee, Brooke Levenseller, Stacey Meyerer, Mohammad H. Rahbar, Andria Ratchford, Ann Reynolds, Steven Rosenberg, Julie Rusyniak, Stuart K. Shapira, Karen Smith, Margaret Souders, Patrick Aaron Thompson, Lisa Young, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp
- Original Paper
Do Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Compensate in Naturalistic Prospective Memory Tasks?
Mareike Altgassen, Nancy Koban, Matthias Kliegel
- Original Paper
Play and Joint Attention of Children with Autism in the Preschool Special Education Classroom
Connie Wong, Connie Kasari
- Original Paper
Validation of the Finnish Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) for Clinical Settings and Total Population Screening
Marja-Leena Mattila, Katja Jussila, Sirkka-Liisa Linna, Marko Kielinen, Risto Bloigu, Sanna Kuusikko-Gauffin, Leena Joskitt, Hanna Ebeling, Tuula Hurtig, Irma Moilanen
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Language in Low-Functioning Children with Autistic Disorder: Differences Between Receptive and Expressive Skills and Concurrent Predictors of Language
Jarymke Maljaars, Ilse Noens, Evert Scholte, Ina van Berckelaer-Onnes
- Original Paper
An Examination of Handedness and Footedness in Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome
R. Markoulakis, S. M. Scharoun, P. J. Bryden, P. C. Fletcher
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Peculiar Evolution of Autistic Behaviors in Two Unrelated Children with Brachidactyly-Mental Retardation Syndrome
Luigi Mazzone, Lia Vassena, Liliana Ruta, Diego Mugno, Ornella Galesi, Marco Fichera
- Original Paper
Precursors to Social and Communication Difficulties in Infants At-Risk for Autism: Gaze Following and Attentional Engagement
Rachael Bedford, Mayada Elsabbagh, Teodora Gliga, Andrew Pickles, Atsushi Senju, Tony Charman, Mark H. Johnson
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Impaired Differentiation of Vegetative/Affective and Intentional Nonverbal Vocalizations in a Subject with Asperger Syndrome (AS)
Susanne Dietrich, Ingo Hertrich, Andreas Riedel, Hermann Ackermann
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Development of the Adolescent Empathy and Systemizing Quotients
Bonnie Auyeung, Carrie Allison, Sally Wheelwright, Simon Baron-Cohen
- Original Paper
Gaze Performance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder when Observing Communicative Actions
Terje Falck-Ytter, Elisabeth Fernell, Åsa Lundholm Hedvall, Claes von Hofsten, Christopher Gillberg
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Stereotypes in Autism Revisited
Jennifer Christina Kirchner, Florian Schmitz, Isabel Dziobek
- Open Access
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Examining the Link Between Autistic Traits and Compulsive Internet Use in a Non-Clinical Sample
Catrin Finkenauer, Monique M. H. Pollmann, Sander Begeer, Peter Kerkhof
- Brief Report
Brief Report: Driving and Young Adults with ASD: Parents’ Experiences
Neill Broderick Cox, Ronald E. Reeve, Stephany M. Cox, Daniel J. Cox
- Letter to the Editor
‘History and First Descriptions’ of Autism: A response to Michael Fitzgerald
Nick Chown
- Book Review
David L. Marcus: What It Takes to Pull Me Through: Why Teenagers Get Into Trouble and How Four of Them Got Out
Ernst Van Bergeijk
- Book Review
Louise Weston: Connecting with Your Asperger Partner: Negotiating the Maze of Intimacy
Oren Shtayermman